Friday, March 11, 2011

Drug Testing for Welfare

     Why don't we drug test people who want to receive Welfare from our govt? That is the question being proposed in various state legislatures across this country. As a country, we always have questions on how to regulate various social programs and the outside influences on those programs. Now once one state starts a bill, other states get the balls to follow suit. SB 1070 anyone? The questions and concerns of our social programs are always argued and decided by conservatives and liberals, not moderates. That is why all social arguments not only bring out the zealots but steer moderates to either side based on personal passion. The constitutional debate of drug testing for Welfare recipients is no different. 
      So far the states of Kentucky, Oregon, Nebraska, and Missouri have proposed bills that require drug testing to receive public assistance. While these bills have garnered support they also have serious opposition from various groups, including the ACLU (surprise surprise), National Assoc. of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors, and the American Public Health Assoc. to name but a few. The ACLU says laws such as these are "scientifically, fiscally, and constitutionally unsound". The group cites studies showing welfare drug testing recipients are no more likely to use drugs than the rest of the population and that 70% of illicit drug users are employed. It states drug testing is an expensive and ineffective way to uncover drug abuse. Now the state of Michigan is the only state to implement a drug testing program for welfare recipients. That was short lived as the US 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Michigan ruled it was unconstitutional because it violated the 4th ammendment. The 4th ammendment contains a provision that barres unreasonable search and seizures. It is and will be tough to argue against the Constitution. It doesnt matter if you have right on your side. 
     First off, I am not some holy roller, straight edge guy. Not my style. I, like millions of Americans, have used "medicinal" drugs. I, like the other good citizens of this country, understand what I have done is illegal and am perfectly willing to accept the consequences if caught. But our Govt is basically saying it is okay that I and millions of other Americans get tested for drugs to have and keep their employment but that doesnt apply when the Gov't gives away OUR money. I find this appalling. I am not here to argue the complicated economics of drug testing success rates vs the money given to social program recipients and the qualifications and loopholes involved in getting those benefits. The real argument is right vs wrong. 
      Lets get it right. Complainers disgust me and they should disgust you. People who take no responsibility for their actions disgust me. Own up to your shit, you free loading bastards! Now I understand this may be a futile argument because in this instance it appears the Constitution is on the side of shiftless drug users and liberals. Doesn't make it right though. And personally when I look at a topic and pick a side, I decide what is right and not what will win. My conscience is clean, is yours?


  1. I think you hit home with in the next to last paragraph. It's not a 4th ammendment right when you apply for a job...shouldn't you have to follow the same rules when the money you receive from taxpayers is supplemental???

  2. I don't understand how this is a 4th amendment issue. It's not search and seizure. It's more of a "if you pass, you get money." It's not even to uncover abuses or whatever else the ACLU is claiming. Really, if you are clean, you can have some free money.

    I'm going to agree with you on this one. The way you say things is like "this is my side, fuck your side" but the basic message I'm agreeing with. Why should someone be able to collect a free check while not attempting to contribute to society and getting wasted all the time?

    The welfare system is in place for a good reason. There are people out there that benefit from it and move on to do better things. The problem lies with all the bad apples that want the handout and don't care to better their lives along the way.
