Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oh Tea Party crazy bastards you

Before anything, I give a thanks to a man named Michael, who went to a "that" school that resides in Charlottesville, for enlightening me on this topic. Thanks Mike.

This will be two articles. One, about the new bill being passed through the Texas State Senate by Rep Debbie Riddle and Two, addressing her conjoining interview with Texas State Rep Raphael Anchia on Anderson Cooper 360.

First let me say that in no way do I agree with the agenda of the Tea Party or how they manipulate the Republican agenda for their own benefit. Hello Texas State Representative Debbie Riddle.....

Rep. Riddle has proposed a new immigration bill into the Texas State Senate. The bill would make hiring an "unauthorized alien" a crime punishable by up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine, unless that is, they are hired to do household chores. Now under House Bill 2012, introduced by Rep. Debbie Riddle, hiring an undocumented maid, caretaker, lawnworker or any type of houseworker would be allowed. What? Seriously people. Bills like this and people like her and Ms Sarah "Refudiate" Palin give well meaning Republicans a bad name. 

Rep. Riddle has long wanted to propose a bill to the Texas State Senate that replicates in many forms the great Pro-American bill that is Arizona Bill SB 1070. Ms Riddle pretends she is against illegal immigration. Now if it affects her or her other McKenna sippin, Dubya lovin, aristocratic, nose in the air Texans then its not worth it. That is her message. She wants to punish people in this country illegally but NOT punish those who give those illegals the jobs they have!!!!! Ms. Riddle, you are a despicable person!!! The type of person that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence to protect the good citizens of America from. You DO NOT serve America's interests. You and your Tea Party do not bring logic! You bring wealth and racism to your bills!!! I for one, say good day!! I said good day! 

I'm Just Sayin

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