9 Major Infractions. An assistant coach in Blake who steered athletes to a certain agent. Fuckin convenient that Gary Wichard, the guilty agent, has now passed away. I don't give a shit if i talk bad about the dead. He deserves it. Mr Wichard was obviously a manipulative, cheating piece of shit. He helped tarnish the great sport of American Football. That's right, American Football. It ours! And if we aren't pissed about the cheaters in college or the greedy owners locking out the NFL then who will be????!!!!!
UNC sucked though. They were only 8-5. So maybe, just maybe, we wont hear it as a federal case. Like we heard about USC and Ohio St. That would be pathetic on the media's part. UNC had a lot more infractions than USC or OSU. But here's the kicker, Butch Davis is a shitty coach. He isn't half the coach of Tressel or Carroll. So we get mad at cheaters who are good. But we have to have a level field of justice for all of them. We should spit in there goddamn faces! We wanna have them publicly tarred and feathered! Is that just me? I guess I'm just old school. Maybe its just me but if bastards cheat at something I love then I take that personally. McGwire, Bonds, Man-Ram, Tressel, Carroll, and Davis will all rot in hell. They have no integrity for a profession whose revenue is built off of a fan's love. Fans that they decided weren't worth the respect of an honest game. Plain and Simple.
In the end, I get pissed b/c Davis STOLE recruits other ACC teams had a chance at (definitely VT). His cheating ways may have cost VT or other ACC schools a real shot at the talent necessary for a run at the National Title. BUT do you get mad at the old lady because her and her walker only cross the street but so fast, do you get pissed at the little person who cant reach that top shelf, do you call out the tard because he/she might be slowing you up? You don't but the fact remains......Butch Davis CHEATED and STILL only had an 8-5 record!!! I wasn't aware the ACC had a short bus. Coach On Butch Davis...Coach On......with your cute ineffective game plans and your 3rd-5th place bowl games. You're special. You're just so special!
With the Federal Govts involvement in sports, I believe there should be a wing of some oversight committee devoted to the execution of cheaters within the major sports. These people took the American public's love of sports, manipulated it into millions of dollars of revenue, dismissed the American people as nothing more than servants to do their bidding, and now are shocked when they get caught!!! HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE NOT EXECUTED???!!!! And in a CIA Turkish Prison kind of way...
Im Jus Sayin
Im Jus Sayin
I posted a humorous depiction of Hell and for some reason after it saved on the cpu, it wouldnt upload to the page. BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!