Rashard Mendenhall, star running back of the Super Bowl appearing Pittsburgh Steelers, is the latest in a long line of celebrity athletes to truly speak their mind over social media without the help of the ever-present PR rep.
The Pittsburgh Steelers' running back tweeted, hours after the death of Osama bin Laden at the hands of U.S. Navy SEALs, not only that he didn’t believe the reputed terrorist might not have been behind the 9/11 attacks, but that jet planes were not the lone devices that brought down the World Trade Center towers.
“We’ll never know what really happened,” Mendenhall wrote. “I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style.”
Is this REALLY the first time you've heard where someone you "know" shows themselves as a conspiracy theorist? Not me. I know AT LEAST 4 people who have never met each other, who all believe that 9/11 was a farce. Not my opinion but everyone's entitled to their own. In respect to the Osama killin, I want proof. Not for me but for the people who never believe anything.
It is and will be a national dividing point. You think the grassy knole or the moon landing had conspiracy theorists? You have NO idea!!!! In the age of Picasa, Google Map, and Facebook, there are NO secrets. Only the imagination of poorly kept ones or the Mayberry versions that we hope to believe. Is this the 24hr scenerio of a Navy Seal mission, DNA identification (did they get that from CIA who trained him in 80' or so), and quick burial at sea cause it would disturb Muslims????....Maybe...????....BUT maybe not......Seriously. Last I heard, Al-Qaieda didn't actually depict TRUE Muslim beliefs. So why cower to Muslim religion in the burial? Helloooooo? Hellooooo? I'm talking to you Obama and you Def Sec Gates and you Sec of State Hilary Clinton. Cause I have read your 60 Minutes quotes for Sunday and I DONT CARE.
WHY give him ANY respect???!!!!! I dont care. We as Americans DONT CARE. We dont care about future "possible" revenge.
Dear CIA, NSA, Seals, Recon, and the White House:
Do your damn job!
The American Citizens.
Cause the moment you give the radical Islamic world the dignity of knowing their opinion is worth more than your own citizens, is the moment your soldiers start to wonder what side are you on? How dare you hide pictures cause you're worried about little bitches who hide behind veils and caves!!!! We deserve closure!!! My NY and NJ brothers deserve closure! How dare you put the needs of the Middle Eastern Muslims above United States Citizens!!!!
Man up...do your job...tell America "THIS IS THE FACE OF EVIL! AND WE KILLED THAT SOB!!!".....and tell our best and brightest at all of our Federal Agencies to just be on point and do their FUCKIN JOBS!!!!!
To address other theories....I do believe there are Aliens...Moon landing was for real...There was a second shooter on the grassy knole. I personally read the Warren Commission Report and I found it to be a bunch of rhetoric that did not back science. The 1919 Black Sox were all guilty...outside of Shoeless Joe. Who hits .375, only HR in Series, and no errors. They can prove he was underpaid and but he wasnt a rat cause he took the loot and didn't rat on anybody. They could NEVER prove he threw a SINGLE PLAY!!! They could only prove that Comiskey was a cheap freakin bum of an Owner (not uncommonplace for the early 1900's sports society...blame the players now do ya? HA) But a Federal Judge was brought into it and he was banned along with the others from MLB for life. (So in present day, when you like the Govt getting involved in your sport, just remember what you asked for.) The Govt is an Evil Bitch! She's real cool when she's on your side (MLB steriods, NFL Lockout) but she doesn't ever stop being a bitch and you never know when she's gonna flip that script!!!! I'm Jus Sayin!!!!
Webb Out!!!
First off, knoll is the correct spelling. Second, I think it is irresponsible to post the photos. We got him. No need to gloat. Act like you've been there before. Even if the photos were released, there would still be people thinking that they are fake. In addition, I really don't want to see assholes with facebook profile pictures of a dead Bin Laden. There are quite a few people out there that are idiotic enough to do something stupid like that. I trust Obama. I don't think he's been doing the best job, but I trust him.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I loved this post, I was just reading a conspiracy theory on John Lennon's murder earlier... I agree with everything you said, kudos for such passionate writing, don't worry when I get on a roll I misspell somethings too. In regards to trusting Obama and the release of the postmortem photos, all of us closed-minded Americans who demand proof can rest easy, Obama is going to see to it that the State of Hawaii is going to issue the Death Certificate (insert sarcasm). FUCK OBAMA