This blog will address a variety of topics:
-Lets start with the idiocracy of Donald Trump and his birth certificate hunt. There is a VERY big difference between being conservative and using that floor plan as the basis of your craziness. Sorry Trump but ya lost me. You are no leader. A leader is Gov Janet Brewer, while always being accused of being a racist and biggot b/c of her conservative values, decided to veto a bill passed by a Republican state senate and house that would require a Proof of Citizenship. She actually stood up for Obama. Took a stand and said enough is enough. Basically said I will attack and argue his politics but I will not question his right to be an American! Love that shit Brewer! Trump, you are no leader. You are a good reality show host at best and an 80's realty scam artist at worst.
-uhhh...the royal wedding. touchy subject cause all you bitches and dudes dream bout being some freakin royalty! when if you ACTUALLY FELT being an American, you would spit on the concept of royalty. seriously. the entire thing is that someone b/c of lineage is a better person than you! Are you serious? NOBODY is better than me and THAT is how an American should think!! As an American, I will ALWAYS have the ability to be the next Warren Buffet and THAT is the beauty of being an American!!!! Gotta love this country and the opportunity it ALWAYS gives ya! you can fuck up your entire life, for decades and decades, but if you have the ability then you can definitely make it right. It's called livin in the Motherland of Capitalism. Im Jus Sayin.
-A personal thing. Tomorrow I am gonna meet with Mr Faustner. or Henry as his associate scouts call him. hopefully in Oct/Nov I will have the right to call him Henry. we shall see. Mr. Faustner is a Scout for the Atlanta Braves who oversees a certain area of Southern California that includes coverage of JUCOs and HS's. He has a number of associate scouts, who get paid on dreams and fun, who routinely scout for him and report scouting info based on the hope of one day being the man. The Scout for the area. They want to go to the ballpark everyday and make a decent living. Crazy right??? That is one of my many sports dreams that I know I can succeed at. I aced last weekends test. Hopefully tomorrows will be just as easy. No worries though. You just realize things. I realize no matter the sports related question from a man in charge of other scouts, I cannot be stumped. I have prepared for this day since I was 5 and I started reading the sports page front to back. Yes, at 5 I did that. I am a passionate person and this is my ultimate form of passion. I refuse to be stopped. Check back with me tomorrow. To paraphrase Romey... "Webb Out!"
-Oh and what does MENSA mean to you? I just passed a preliminary test on the official Mensa site. 30 questions in 30 minutes. 28 right got me a request via email to take another test in Tuscon in a supervised situation. A total of $200 would pay for tests and 1st yr membership. BUT if I pass, I would then be Ashby Webb III, Mensa Member. And to me...a person who values intelligence not only in myself but in friends and possible girlfriends, that is HUGE!!!! The only logical step after Mensa would be to get on a Virgin Shuttle into Outer Space. Who doesnt want to go to Outer Space? And who doesnt want to have themselves introduced as a Mensa Member? cause if ya did it yourself, it would just be tacky. Gotta get people to do it for you. Gotta get people to say "Have ya met Ashby, he's a Mensa Member". Cause nobody likes people who proclaim their intelligence. They either wanna figure that out for themselves or just tell you that they think you're smart. And that is why nobody likes people who went to UVA, except you Hanshew. Im Jus Sayin
-White House Correspondence Dinner where Pres. Obama ripped into Obama, as did SNL Weekend Update Host Seth
After a week when Obama released his long-form Hawaii birth certificate, he said Trump could now focus on the serious issues, from whether the moon landing actually happened to "where are Biggie and Tupac?"
Trump chuckled at some of the earlier jokes, but was clearly less amused as comedian Seth Meyers picked up where Obama left off. "Donald Trump often talks about running as a Republican, which is surprising," said the Saturday Night Live actor, entrusted with providing some of the comedy for the evening. "I just assumed he was running as a joke." Love it!!!!
Okay, normally I haven't been posting any comments but let me say a few things here.
ReplyDeleteThe Royal Wedding was an event where we could take ourselves (mostly us girls) and pretend we are the princess in the storybooks. It didn't hurt either that the bride was a beautiful everyday citizen of the UK - no I'm not calling her a subject. Just doesn't sound right. Anywho, it's a nice distraction where we can step away from our life and be transformed into the fairytale. The fact that the gown was designed superbly and that the maid of honor's gown was gorgeous as well says that the bride is very confident with who she is. The first 'commoner' to marry a prince in the UK for 350 years. WOW ... Besides most of us fell in love with Princess Diana and want nothing but good things for her boys. Honoring Princess Di as they did and seeing her a bit in Prince William well it touched the hurt.
I see your point Ashby but I do not agree that we are turning our backs on our country by this. America has strongly made history by overcoming England's hold over us and by forging our own place in the world. Enjoying the wedding does not take that away.
Didn't quite address the other topics I intended to so yes, Ashby, you have truly prepared for this scout opportunity all your life. The Atlanta Braves would be lucky to have you in their corner doing what you know best.
ReplyDeleteI've always said that it is important to follow your dreams ... that it's never too late ... we just have to persevere and not let others (or ourselves) keep us from reaching that goal be it either by their comments or by guilt trips they may place on us. Yes we are blessed to have second or third or fourth chances. Many of our great patriots, inventors and achievers did not succeed the first time they tried. I would also like to close quoting your brother that you are 'WebbTastic'!
I can so see you a member of the MENSA society! I know you can do it and what a influential accomplish as well as looking good on a resume'. Good luck with that, Ashby.