Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
RIP Lala
Last Tuesday, my friend "Lala" was murdered here in Phoenix. I still don't think it's really sunk in. First and only time, I hope, that I say a friend of mine was killed. I didn't know much about Lala, that's how it goes with your friends sometimes. While we only hung out about a dozen or so times over the 1 1/2 yrs i knew him...I knew his character. A stand up guy. To me anyways.
A little background. Lala was a former neighbor of mine. He stuck up for me when he didn't have to. Not that I need it, but its appreciated nonetheless. Side Note: It's REALLY hard to tell a bad area from a good area in Phx. Its not like back East. Back East, you might say "I'm White, I shouldn't go there" but out here it blends a bit more. So.......Last year, I lived in the apt complex directly next to his. Separated by a gate. My complex was very mixed, as far as race is concerned. Lala's complex was about 10% Mexican and 90% Black. It was kind of back in the cut and formed a corner that allowed various criminal activity. I had a friend who lived in the apts across the street where i would have to walk through Lala's complex parking lot to get to my boy's spot. That's how I met Lala. One day I'm walking through the parking lot and two kids about 17 or 18 roll up on me. Asking questions. Name? Why are you here? They were not receptive to a white face. Typical Ashby, I told them to fuck off and kept walking. I have no intention of beating a minors ass, no matter how tough he thinks he is.
Side Note: Racism against White people is not isolated in Phx. I have experienced it at LEAST 10 times the last 2 1/2 yrs. And I'm sure dozens of other times I am not aware of. So it goes.
The next day, Lala comes to my spot. He knew my roommate "PR" and had seen us walk through his parking lot before. "PR" is Black/Puerto Rican from NY. A NewRican if ya don't know the term. Lala didn't say anything about the incident but just hung out and smoked a fattie. Gettin a feel for me I guess. He told me that the only white dudes to come to his complex were usually cops. An interesting fact of culture but something that's not gonna stop me from doing me. I decided that from now on when I walk to my boys spot, I will carry my roomie's 9. In AZ, it is legal for ANYONE to carry a handgun without a permit.
Two days later, I start walking through the complex. A stoop kid whistles like a freakin bird. Kid must've been 12 or so. Before I get through the parking lot, 5 young punks cut me off. Probably between the ages of 16-20. They are within 10 ft and I wonder if I should reach for the 9. But then....I hear a whistle. They all look up. Lala is on the 3rd floor balcony. He gives them the NO sign with his hand waiving back and forth under his neck. They just start walking backwards and let me pass. A seminal moment in my life. Something I will never forget. Lala controlled that complex. I am not here to say that Lala was a great guy. I don't know. But I KNOW he was a great guy to me. And that's what matters to me.
Btw, the person who killed Lala is in jail and awaiting trial.
RIP Lala
A little background. Lala was a former neighbor of mine. He stuck up for me when he didn't have to. Not that I need it, but its appreciated nonetheless. Side Note: It's REALLY hard to tell a bad area from a good area in Phx. Its not like back East. Back East, you might say "I'm White, I shouldn't go there" but out here it blends a bit more. So.......Last year, I lived in the apt complex directly next to his. Separated by a gate. My complex was very mixed, as far as race is concerned. Lala's complex was about 10% Mexican and 90% Black. It was kind of back in the cut and formed a corner that allowed various criminal activity. I had a friend who lived in the apts across the street where i would have to walk through Lala's complex parking lot to get to my boy's spot. That's how I met Lala. One day I'm walking through the parking lot and two kids about 17 or 18 roll up on me. Asking questions. Name? Why are you here? They were not receptive to a white face. Typical Ashby, I told them to fuck off and kept walking. I have no intention of beating a minors ass, no matter how tough he thinks he is.
Side Note: Racism against White people is not isolated in Phx. I have experienced it at LEAST 10 times the last 2 1/2 yrs. And I'm sure dozens of other times I am not aware of. So it goes.
The next day, Lala comes to my spot. He knew my roommate "PR" and had seen us walk through his parking lot before. "PR" is Black/Puerto Rican from NY. A NewRican if ya don't know the term. Lala didn't say anything about the incident but just hung out and smoked a fattie. Gettin a feel for me I guess. He told me that the only white dudes to come to his complex were usually cops. An interesting fact of culture but something that's not gonna stop me from doing me. I decided that from now on when I walk to my boys spot, I will carry my roomie's 9. In AZ, it is legal for ANYONE to carry a handgun without a permit.
Two days later, I start walking through the complex. A stoop kid whistles like a freakin bird. Kid must've been 12 or so. Before I get through the parking lot, 5 young punks cut me off. Probably between the ages of 16-20. They are within 10 ft and I wonder if I should reach for the 9. But then....I hear a whistle. They all look up. Lala is on the 3rd floor balcony. He gives them the NO sign with his hand waiving back and forth under his neck. They just start walking backwards and let me pass. A seminal moment in my life. Something I will never forget. Lala controlled that complex. I am not here to say that Lala was a great guy. I don't know. But I KNOW he was a great guy to me. And that's what matters to me.
Btw, the person who killed Lala is in jail and awaiting trial.
RIP Lala
Sunday, June 26, 2011
CONACAF and Tim Howard's problem with them
In case you didn't know....your country's national team played some soccer yesterday. In what has developed into a highly contested battle, Mexico defeated the United States 4-2 at the Rose Bowl in California. As expected, the crowd was about 80-90% Mexican-American (Insert laughter as you wonder how many of the 91,000 were illegally there. You know I'm right). It was mostly competitive in the first half, as the US jumped to a two goal lead only to see the half end in a 2-2 tie. The second half was all Mexico. While we were able to contain the storm that is Javier just didn't matter. Congrats to Mexico and onto the World Cup...
Now the piss poor organization that is CONACAF and Tim Howard, the United States ALL-WORLD goalie....
It seems that CONACAF decided to conduct the awards ceremony entirely in Spanish. Yes, the American team playing in California received their silver medals while CONACAF officials spoke a language that as Americans they may not know. It was noted by an AP reporter that Howard was visibly displeased by the ceremony. And he had something to say about it as well. "CONACAF should be ashamed of themselves. I think it was a fucking disgrace that the entire postmatch ceremony was in Spanish. You can bet your ass if we were in Mexico City, it wouldn't be all in English! But that's not why we lost the game. They've got some special players, who put us in some bad situations." CONACAF's spokesman has declined to comment.
Well, this is just a crappy situation. If the audience is 80% Mexican/maybe Mexican-American, then it is very possible the majority of the crowd wouldn't understand English. But i really don't care about that. Why as Americans should we be disrespected by the CONACAF? Why not say the ceremony in English and have a Spanish translator to translate between sentences? Why not show this country a little fucking respect? And while I could also be talking about Pres. Calderon, I'm don't have enough time to tell you what a puppet/brat he is.
Howard is right though. No getting around it. English would not be used in a ceremony in Mexico City if the US won the Gold Cup there. The United States is probably the only large economic country that an organization like CONACAF would feel comfortable in disrespecting in this manner. That is both true and our fault. We HAVE to be tougher. On everything. Much like the United Nations, CONACAF has no REAL social power but they like to kick dirt in the US's face. And like the tolerant older sibling, we just sit there and allow it. I could delve deeper into this but I feel like I'd be beating a dead horse.
While Tim Howard is one of the top ranked goalies in the world and has showed the cojones to speak on a social/political issue....DO NOT think Mr Howard is without fault. I relay this information from an extremely reliable source who says he is 100% confident about its content....
In 2nd grade, while attending Judd Elementary in NJ, Tim Howard and his friend Jared poured bleach down a water fountain. Tainting the water system and forever ruining my source's favorite fountain after PE. The shame...THE SHAME!!!!!
Im Jus Sayin
Now the piss poor organization that is CONACAF and Tim Howard, the United States ALL-WORLD goalie....
It seems that CONACAF decided to conduct the awards ceremony entirely in Spanish. Yes, the American team playing in California received their silver medals while CONACAF officials spoke a language that as Americans they may not know. It was noted by an AP reporter that Howard was visibly displeased by the ceremony. And he had something to say about it as well. "CONACAF should be ashamed of themselves. I think it was a fucking disgrace that the entire postmatch ceremony was in Spanish. You can bet your ass if we were in Mexico City, it wouldn't be all in English! But that's not why we lost the game. They've got some special players, who put us in some bad situations." CONACAF's spokesman has declined to comment.
Well, this is just a crappy situation. If the audience is 80% Mexican/maybe Mexican-American, then it is very possible the majority of the crowd wouldn't understand English. But i really don't care about that. Why as Americans should we be disrespected by the CONACAF? Why not say the ceremony in English and have a Spanish translator to translate between sentences? Why not show this country a little fucking respect? And while I could also be talking about Pres. Calderon, I'm don't have enough time to tell you what a puppet/brat he is.
Howard is right though. No getting around it. English would not be used in a ceremony in Mexico City if the US won the Gold Cup there. The United States is probably the only large economic country that an organization like CONACAF would feel comfortable in disrespecting in this manner. That is both true and our fault. We HAVE to be tougher. On everything. Much like the United Nations, CONACAF has no REAL social power but they like to kick dirt in the US's face. And like the tolerant older sibling, we just sit there and allow it. I could delve deeper into this but I feel like I'd be beating a dead horse.
While Tim Howard is one of the top ranked goalies in the world and has showed the cojones to speak on a social/political issue....DO NOT think Mr Howard is without fault. I relay this information from an extremely reliable source who says he is 100% confident about its content....
In 2nd grade, while attending Judd Elementary in NJ, Tim Howard and his friend Jared poured bleach down a water fountain. Tainting the water system and forever ruining my source's favorite fountain after PE. The shame...THE SHAME!!!!!
Im Jus Sayin
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Dear Butch Davis, You may not be fired but you WILL go to HELL!!!
My level of anger at Butch Davis and the coat of hot manure he has put on the University of North Carolina falls nothing short of anger management class requirements! The level of utter disgrace he is causing the ACC is fuckin pathetic. This is the mother fucking ACC! The same conference with 11 Teams in the top 59 of the APR!!! Its the Academic Progress Rankings. Where the "student" meets the "athlete". Where the ACC easily outshines its competition, if you wanna call it that. I know the job of the schools of the Big 6 is to graduate student-athletes. I know that Stanford wins the Sears Cup for overall athletics and I know the SEC has won 5 straight NCAA Football Div 1-A Titles. And I KNOW that the ACC produces the smartest student-athletes, the highest grad rates for their football programs. Its not even close when compared to the other Big Conferences. When you attend an ACC school, you know there is a certain level of class and education being administered. Butch Davis, there is no place for you in my ACC! You are the shit on my tp. The lobbyist lying to our oversight committees. Richard Nixon. Bernie Madoff. You are they, they are you Mr Butch Davis.
9 Major Infractions. An assistant coach in Blake who steered athletes to a certain agent. Fuckin convenient that Gary Wichard, the guilty agent, has now passed away. I don't give a shit if i talk bad about the dead. He deserves it. Mr Wichard was obviously a manipulative, cheating piece of shit. He helped tarnish the great sport of American Football. That's right, American Football. It ours! And if we aren't pissed about the cheaters in college or the greedy owners locking out the NFL then who will be????!!!!!
UNC sucked though. They were only 8-5. So maybe, just maybe, we wont hear it as a federal case. Like we heard about USC and Ohio St. That would be pathetic on the media's part. UNC had a lot more infractions than USC or OSU. But here's the kicker, Butch Davis is a shitty coach. He isn't half the coach of Tressel or Carroll. So we get mad at cheaters who are good. But we have to have a level field of justice for all of them. We should spit in there goddamn faces! We wanna have them publicly tarred and feathered! Is that just me? I guess I'm just old school. Maybe its just me but if bastards cheat at something I love then I take that personally. McGwire, Bonds, Man-Ram, Tressel, Carroll, and Davis will all rot in hell. They have no integrity for a profession whose revenue is built off of a fan's love. Fans that they decided weren't worth the respect of an honest game. Plain and Simple.
In the end, I get pissed b/c Davis STOLE recruits other ACC teams had a chance at (definitely VT). His cheating ways may have cost VT or other ACC schools a real shot at the talent necessary for a run at the National Title. BUT do you get mad at the old lady because her and her walker only cross the street but so fast, do you get pissed at the little person who cant reach that top shelf, do you call out the tard because he/she might be slowing you up? You don't but the fact remains......Butch Davis CHEATED and STILL only had an 8-5 record!!! I wasn't aware the ACC had a short bus. Coach On Butch Davis...Coach On......with your cute ineffective game plans and your 3rd-5th place bowl games. You're special. You're just so special!
With the Federal Govts involvement in sports, I believe there should be a wing of some oversight committee devoted to the execution of cheaters within the major sports. These people took the American public's love of sports, manipulated it into millions of dollars of revenue, dismissed the American people as nothing more than servants to do their bidding, and now are shocked when they get caught!!! HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE NOT EXECUTED???!!!! And in a CIA Turkish Prison kind of way...
Im Jus Sayin
Im Jus Sayin
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Yay we won the lottery! Wait, does that mean we suck???
- In every draft, whether its the much ballyhooed NFL draft or the never watched MLB draft, there is always a team that comes out the draft as the new team "on the rise". Fans will hold out hopes and dream about their suck ass team drafting a Tim Duncan or a Shaq. In hopes of that glory they have never achieved. Sure its possible, but not likely. Hopefully your scouting is money. Now with Thursday's NBA Draft upon us, there are a couple teams who could have the best draft, but only one team can come out as THE team "on the rise". Either Cleveland, currently sitting at picks 1 and 4, or Minnesota, with pick #2, will have the best draft. And without a doubt Minnesota will leave this draft as that new team with all the pub.
Cleveland having the 1st the 4th picks SHOULD get two perennial All-Star players. And anytime you can insert a serious upgrade in talent for 40% of your starters then you had the best draft. Question is: Will the Cavs actually draft two studs? With the 1st pick, they will go with PG Kyrie Irving from Duke or SF Derrick Williams from U of A. Probably Irving. Not because Irving is better than Williams but because a great PG is WAY more important than a scoring SF. So they go Irving. With the 4th pick, Cleveland will address a front line need by scooping C Kanter, out of Kentucky by way of Turkey. A classic footer who is a back to the basket shot changer. If you're not familiar with Kanter, then he is being compared to Bogut out of Milwaukee. Getting a productive center and a game changing PG is definitely the best way to rebuild. Of course, Kanter could be this years Sam Bowie or Darko Milicic. Who knows? But if Cleveland goes Irving/Kanter then they should feel VERY good about what they've done.
As it stands now, Minnesota has the #2 pick and are entertaining plenty of offers for it. I think they should stay put though. Avoid that temptation of trading it for a veteran with less potential than Derrick Williams. You take Williams and pair him with Kevin Love, who led the NBA in Rebounds, to form a dominant forward tandem for the next 10 yrs. Oh and btw, they got Ricky Rubio to take the trip across the Atlantic with the thought of him and Love becoming this generation's pick and roll version of Stockton to Malone!
So this is how I see Sota' shaking out. Rubio at PG makes starting PG Johnny Flynn, the #6 pick two yrs ago, expendable. He will be some nice trade bait. Sebastian Telfair, a grizzled veteran of 6 yrs at 25, will teach Rubio the in and outs of Kurt Rambis's O. Assuming they keep Rambis. I hope not, cause his system does not fit the skill set I see in Rubio. At SG they have Wes Johnson, who as the #3 pick in last yrs draft, was able to average 9pts/game as a rookie last year. Not every rookie stud will blow up his first season. I still like Johnson. He is learning and has a TON of athleticism. At SF, you plug in Williams and you trade Beasley. OR you decide Beasley getting 19ppg at 22 yrs of age is too sweet to give up. You trade that 2 pick for a defensive center or a scoring guard that moves Johnson to the bench. At PF, you have Love. You don't worry about that spot and thank god that the same genes that produced a Beach Boy also produced the best rebounder since Rodman. At C, I would have to believe that Anthony Randolph, at 21, will overtake Darko for the starting spot. Oh I failed to mention they also have the #20 pick in the first round! Use that on the best available regardless of position because more than likely it will be used as trade bait. Rubio, Johnson, Williams, Love, and Randolph. starting five. With Flynn, Beasley, and the #20 pick as some serious assets for trade bait. Four of the starting five being top 5 picks in the draft has this TWolves team is reminding me of OKC a couple yrs back. Now if GM Kahn can make the right choices.....we shall see. But one thing is for sure, with Love, Rubio, and Williams/Beasley, this squad is definitely on the rise. Of course, Minnesota has never won what do i know.
2013 should be Minnesota's year though....Im Jus Sayin
Cleveland having the 1st the 4th picks SHOULD get two perennial All-Star players. And anytime you can insert a serious upgrade in talent for 40% of your starters then you had the best draft. Question is: Will the Cavs actually draft two studs? With the 1st pick, they will go with PG Kyrie Irving from Duke or SF Derrick Williams from U of A. Probably Irving. Not because Irving is better than Williams but because a great PG is WAY more important than a scoring SF. So they go Irving. With the 4th pick, Cleveland will address a front line need by scooping C Kanter, out of Kentucky by way of Turkey. A classic footer who is a back to the basket shot changer. If you're not familiar with Kanter, then he is being compared to Bogut out of Milwaukee. Getting a productive center and a game changing PG is definitely the best way to rebuild. Of course, Kanter could be this years Sam Bowie or Darko Milicic. Who knows? But if Cleveland goes Irving/Kanter then they should feel VERY good about what they've done.
As it stands now, Minnesota has the #2 pick and are entertaining plenty of offers for it. I think they should stay put though. Avoid that temptation of trading it for a veteran with less potential than Derrick Williams. You take Williams and pair him with Kevin Love, who led the NBA in Rebounds, to form a dominant forward tandem for the next 10 yrs. Oh and btw, they got Ricky Rubio to take the trip across the Atlantic with the thought of him and Love becoming this generation's pick and roll version of Stockton to Malone!

2013 should be Minnesota's year though....Im Jus Sayin
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
With that NBA Title, did Dirk make my All Time Top 10 players?
Before the Conference Finals, Dallas Mavericks Coach Rick Carisle said he believed Dirk Nowitzki was a Top 10 All Time player in the NBA. I said I was confident he was a top 15-20 player but without a title he couldn't move up. Well congrats to Dirk, cause him and the rest of the Over the Hill Gang (Kidd, Marion, Chandler, Terry) won a title!!! Does that move him into the top 10? IDK
About the rankings. I took into account personal per game stats but only about 1/3 of how I ranked. Titles mattered A LOT. If a player makes the list without a title, then they were transcendent players. There are only 3 players without titles who made the list. The ERA of a player definitely counts! So no George Mikan! Sorry Minneapolis Lakers Fans. LOL. But one thing is for sure, I quantify a whole player. Not just an offensive player.
20. Charles Barkley- "I am not a role model" but I am the best 6'4" PF of All Time!
19. Jason Kidd- I did not beat my wife and that is not why I was traded from Phx. Nash says Thanks.
18. Kevin Garnett- "The Kid" changed the culture in Boston. Got a Title. Contenders every year.
17. Chris Webber-Long Shorts. Fab Five. Culturally he ranks 3. His smooth PF game was revolutionary!!!!
16. Hakeem Olajuwon-Akeem from the Phi Slamma Jamma. 2x champ and father of drop step jumper
15. Shaquille O'Neal-BIG MAN. used his size. 4 titles. If he could hit FTs, he would be at LEAST #2!!!!!
14. Scottie Pippen-Best Wing Man EVER. In every sense. East Finals Gm 7 shut down PG Mark Jackson.
13. John Stockton-Dirty? No. Tough as nails? Yes. Pain in ass? Yes. 1st in Assists All Time. Yes.
12. Dirk Nowitzki-Greatest European Player EVER! Has a legit argument as Greatest Shooter Ever.
11. Lew Alcindor-Sky Hook. #1 Scorer of All time. 6 time champ.
10. David Robinson-2 titles. Scoring Champ. Just as good on Defense. 98 Finals, NYN avg 80.1ppg.
9. Jerry West- 8 time 1st team All-NBA. 1 time Champ. Oh...And he's the freakin LOGO!!!!!!
8. Bill Russell- 5 time MVP. 11 time NBA Champ. 1 time victim of time period in this rating.
7. Oscar Robertson- 1962 30.8 ppg, 12.5 rpg, 11.4 apg!!!! 1 Time champ. 9 Time All NBA.
6. Tim Duncan- 4 Time Champ. The Big Fundamental. Could EASILY have better career numbers.
5. Kobe Bryant- Da Black Mamba. Closest thing to Jordan, since Jordan. 5 NBA Titles.
4. Larry Bird- 3 Time NBA Champ. 1986 3pt Contest "Who's playing for second?". Pimpin
3. Wilt Chamberlain- Slept with 20,000 women. Created a disease. Called "Wiltis". Its why you itch. lol
2. Earvin "Magic" Johnson-Rookie yr. Replaced Kareem. Triple double as a ROOKIE CENTER!!!!!!
1. Michael Jordan- 6 Rings. could've been 9 if not for the Birmingham Barons. We miss your Greatness!
Im Jus Sayin
About the rankings. I took into account personal per game stats but only about 1/3 of how I ranked. Titles mattered A LOT. If a player makes the list without a title, then they were transcendent players. There are only 3 players without titles who made the list. The ERA of a player definitely counts! So no George Mikan! Sorry Minneapolis Lakers Fans. LOL. But one thing is for sure, I quantify a whole player. Not just an offensive player.
20. Charles Barkley- "I am not a role model" but I am the best 6'4" PF of All Time!
19. Jason Kidd- I did not beat my wife and that is not why I was traded from Phx. Nash says Thanks.
18. Kevin Garnett- "The Kid" changed the culture in Boston. Got a Title. Contenders every year.
17. Chris Webber-Long Shorts. Fab Five. Culturally he ranks 3. His smooth PF game was revolutionary!!!!
16. Hakeem Olajuwon-Akeem from the Phi Slamma Jamma. 2x champ and father of drop step jumper
15. Shaquille O'Neal-BIG MAN. used his size. 4 titles. If he could hit FTs, he would be at LEAST #2!!!!!
14. Scottie Pippen-Best Wing Man EVER. In every sense. East Finals Gm 7 shut down PG Mark Jackson.
13. John Stockton-Dirty? No. Tough as nails? Yes. Pain in ass? Yes. 1st in Assists All Time. Yes.
12. Dirk Nowitzki-Greatest European Player EVER! Has a legit argument as Greatest Shooter Ever.
11. Lew Alcindor-Sky Hook. #1 Scorer of All time. 6 time champ.
10. David Robinson-2 titles. Scoring Champ. Just as good on Defense. 98 Finals, NYN avg 80.1ppg.
9. Jerry West- 8 time 1st team All-NBA. 1 time Champ. Oh...And he's the freakin LOGO!!!!!!
8. Bill Russell- 5 time MVP. 11 time NBA Champ. 1 time victim of time period in this rating.
7. Oscar Robertson- 1962 30.8 ppg, 12.5 rpg, 11.4 apg!!!! 1 Time champ. 9 Time All NBA.
6. Tim Duncan- 4 Time Champ. The Big Fundamental. Could EASILY have better career numbers.
5. Kobe Bryant- Da Black Mamba. Closest thing to Jordan, since Jordan. 5 NBA Titles.
4. Larry Bird- 3 Time NBA Champ. 1986 3pt Contest "Who's playing for second?". Pimpin
3. Wilt Chamberlain- Slept with 20,000 women. Created a disease. Called "Wiltis". Its why you itch. lol
2. Earvin "Magic" Johnson-Rookie yr. Replaced Kareem. Triple double as a ROOKIE CENTER!!!!!!
1. Michael Jordan- 6 Rings. could've been 9 if not for the Birmingham Barons. We miss your Greatness!
Im Jus Sayin
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Why Lebron Sucks?
Lets start.....
1. The nickname. King. seriously, he named himself King. If you are the douche who proclaims his own nickname then you SUCK!
2. You have a one hour special on ESPN about your free agency decision. It is single handily the most arrogant thing ANY athlete has EVER done. So Lebron, You SUCK! Btw, have you seen Jim Gray lately? Me neither.
3. The entrance of James, Bosh, and Wade with pyrotechnics and the proclamation of 6 or 7 rings was disgusting. He is a self centered, childish, unaccomplished fool. Now rewind to a couple days ago, DWade and Lebron are leaving practice and coughing. Laughing and sneezing. Making fun of the superstar who doesn't act childish or talk shit, Dirk Nowitzki. I feel bad for DWade. He is just as good as Lebron. But he has that personality that lets himself morph into more evil stronger personalities around him. THAT is why DWade coughed. That is why he thinks its cool to be the villain....Lebron, You SUCK!!!
4. Lebron said this yesterday. "All the people that were rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm gonna continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that. So they can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal. But they got to get back to the real world at some point." I believe he has let us know how he feels about the everyday fan...the fan that pays his salary...the fan that USED to buy his jersey. and that is why Lebron SUCKS!!!!.
Im Jus Sayin
5. Finally....the 4th quarter. First at 17.8 PPG in the NBA Finals, he had the LARGEST dropoff from a regular season average in the history of the NBA! Now while that sucks, it doesnt suck as much as Lebron's unwillingness to step up in the 4th quarter of the Finals. 6 Finals Games...18pts in those 4th quarters....while Dirk had 62 pts....10.3 per 4th quarter!!!! Btw, his 62 pts actually equalled Lebrons AND DWades pts in the 4th quarters1!!!!! in point....Lebron, YOU SUCK!!!!!!!
It's just a shame a man with SOOOOO much talent can SUCK SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Fuck a Cheater
I don't believe Shoeless Joe Jackson actually took part in throwing the 1919 World Series. He hit .375 with the Series only HR and had zero errors in the left field while he had 2 assists. Just doesn't add up. Sorry Judge Landis but you suck.
I believe that contrary to a report with quotes from famed Black Sox Eddie Cicotte, the 1918 Cubs did NOT throw the World Series to the Red Sox. Cicotte claims he got the idea from a Cub on the 18' team. While that's doesn't take into account the greatest left handed pitcher in post season history....anyone? anyone? George Herman Ruth...we generally refer to him as the Babe. He shut out the Cubs his first 17 innings of the WS but it wasn't a case of players giving up and letting him do that. He had a streak of 12 scoreless innings of postseason play entering the 1918 WS. I refuse to believe that the Great Bambino was ever anything but great. Not to mention that my boy Hippo Vaughn threw 3 CGs for the Cubs and allowed a TOTAL of 3 runs for those 3 games. THAT is not pitching to lose. Im Jus Sayin.
I believe that PED's have no place in sports and the punishment for such infractions should be capital. That's right. Marion Jones got caught cheating. She disgraced the freakin Olympics. Hello Ben Johnson. Female German and Chinese Swimmers. Cheating the hearts of millions of people throughout hundreds of countries deserves capital punishment. Televised like the Olympics. Types of punishment that should be voted on by the viewing public on a created website. Hanging, Firing Squad, or maybe a Grand Canyon Death fall. Televised on PPV with cameras at the top and bottom of the Canyon for full gore and horrifying facial expression.
I believe that if Lance Armstrong is proved to have taken steroids then I will cross him off my American One Balled Hero List. Its pretty exclusive. LOL.
I believe that in MY pastime there is NO forgiveness for cheating. Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Ramirez, and ARod will NEVER get into the Hall. They are money grubbing disgraces to the sanctity that is my church. More than ever, Roger Maris, we salute your achievement. McGwire you fucking piece of shit! You hugged and consoled the Maris family. You brought his freakin bat to a pre-game press conference to show your cheatin steroid love. A complete disrespect to a REAL athlete. And this brings me to my point.....
Have we time warped into 1980's College Football where SMU style cheating is in. Random point of fact: Cheating in College Football was rampant in the 80's. Even a podunk program like Virginia Polytechnic Institute was on probation for the first two years of Frank Beamers illustrious tenure.
Let's get it right. Cheating by Big Time Head Football Coaches is rampant. Its virus like. They think its okay to fuck with your heart. Starting in the early 90's with USC, which brings me to Pete Carroll. He is basically a piece of shit. He robbed college football of titles. His National Title winning 04' team beat VT 24-14. But if they don't have Reggie Bush then who knows. VT was a top 5 end of yr BCS team with that first game lost as they upset Miami for the ACC Title in the last game. If they beat a USC of eligible players then who knows? If I ever saw Carroll....he'd get a fuckin ass whooping!!! What makes Butch Davis better than him? He had multiple starters suspended last year. He has recruited dirty since he was at the U. This year, his star DE Quinton Coples is under NCAA suspicion. Coples is a projected top 5 NFL Draft pick next yr, assuming there is a draft. Does this surprise you about Davis? He is the shit I use a stick to scrape off the bottom of my shoe......
And here we are with Tressel. The National Championship winning head coach of Ohio State. He had a 106-22 record in 10 yrs at OSU. Now he has multiple players selling rings and jerseys for money and tattoos. A former player from 06-10 who says a Columbus dealership basically gave star football players/recruits free cars. Not to mention basketball players who back up that car dealership story. Makes you long was the cheatin going on? if the program is dirty, did it include the 02 Nat Title run like it did for USC and their 04' run? And as a college football fan, HOW FUCKIN PISSED ARE YOU? Cause I'm fuckin livid!!!! Teams like UNC, OSU, and USC have recruited and gotten some recruits that VT was interested in. I'm sure your school of interest may have had a chance at those same recruits. I am happy with some ACC titles...but does that lost recruit help the Hokies enough to push them towards a Nat Title? I don't know. But I do know this......FUCK A CHEATER!!!!!!!!
Im Jus Sayin
Some DBack love
The Arizona Diamondbacks are in 1st place in the NL West. This is not a misprint. No, Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling are not still pitching. This is not 2001. And these DBacks have a LOT of staying power. They are built to last. The hitting stars are young (no Mark Grace or Luis Gonzalez here) with Justin Upton, Miguel Montero, and Stephen Drew. The pitching is deep. Saunders, Kennedy, and Hudson are formidable. J.J. Putz being 2nd in the NL with his 16 saves has stabilized a VERY inefficient back of the bullpen. These are all nice things for the ball club. When players new to AZ and players who are veterans to the Valley have good seasons, all the local residents are happy making the excursion to Chase Field in 115 degree heat!!! BUT the real reason to be excited is the duo of Manager Kirk Gibson and GM Kevin Towers. "Gibby" as he is referred, has brought a real hard nosed approach to Phx. A hustle every play type of accountability! In seeing 25 or so games last yr and catching about 10 or so this yr, I can personally attest to the difference in the style of play. They are just playing harder. A good baseball eye can just see it. Its as easy as telling the difference in quality between "Friends" and "Joey". Just that easy. GM Towers deserves just as much credit as "Gibby". He revamped the bullpen. Got a real closer in Putz. Got rid of strikeout kings in LaRoche and Reynolds. Brought in the veteran leadership of Melvin Mora. These are all good things. BUT nothing compares to his Winter Meetings bluff of trading Justin Upton. The 23 yr old superstar on an underpaid contract. The value of that on an open market is ridiculous. But do you realize the value of those rumors motivating a 23 yr old superstar who loves where he is? Justin Upton is having the best season of his career. Well played Towers, well played.
Im Jus Sayin
Im Jus Sayin
The Palin's Invade Arizona...Say it Aint So!!!!
This how it starts. You think hey, one voluptuous single mom from Wasilla, AK is just another hottie to the community of talent that is ASU. (What up Bristol...@AshbyIII. hit me up) But then...her fire breathing dragon of a mom moves to town with her "Watch for Slow kids at play" in tow. Dammit.
Suddenly, a Republican state has become occupied by the leader of the Tea Party and the sympathy vote- wagon that she refers to as her son, Trigger. Do not be fooled Republicans. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
The pundits say she is in AZ because its more logistical than Alaska when the Iowa and New Hampshire votes get into full swing. Okay...maybe. But NO. Could've picked any state. The reason she picked AZ is because she believes she can be a bigger star in AZ cause it is THE MOST AWESOMELY Republican state there is. Gov Jan Brewer fights Obama on SB1070, the border, Affirmative Action, and basically everything the Washington Democrats try to do. Oh and there's Sen John McCain. In case ya forgot.
2012 Republican Convention Intros.....(Use your best Michael Buffer voice) Ex-Governor...Tea Party Star...Oprah Guest...and owner of the word "Repudiate"!!!!....Ladies and Gentleman...Your least favorite Republican and Mine....Sarrrrrraaaahhhhhh Payyyyyyy-lin!!!! The bands plays. Nobody cheers. That's such a good dream. But sadly enough, people will cheer. A butt load of dumb asses will cheer. People who think the Republican party is too liberal. Seriously? People who voted for Clinton cause he freakin played the sax on Arsenio. People who voted for Dubya cause he owned MLB's Texas Rangers. The very same idiots who confuse great tits for great ideas. I hate you "95%ers", cause you give us informed "5%ers" a bad name.
Now Ms Palin is going on a tour of the country on her luxury bus. And most of this will be concentrated on the cities of the East Coast, as that's where Republicans need to get votes. I pray for our country. I pray for the sanity of Republicans to remain true and to not sway into the Tea Party. She has a energy and true force that threatens good things from happening for us.
She is something else. How do I put this...she is the female praying mantis of the Republican kingdom. Her goal is to mate with the Republican Party. Decapitate it and produce a new more powerful Tea Party. Extremism is good for NOBODY. Republicans should not want her. The same that we don't want Obama. They are NO different because neither serves the greater good for the Republican Party or the country as a whole. She is Natasha Henstridge from Species. Mating and killing. Watch your back Republicans. There's an enemy in our mitts and it's not named Obama. If it comes down to Obama, being uncontested, and Sarah Palin, as the Republican Nominee, then I vote for myself. Ya heard me. If those two bastards are who we have, then I will start a local campaign that in its premise is no more foolish than Gary Coleman for California Governor. And definitely no more foolish than voting for Obama or Palin.
Im Jus Sayin
Suddenly, a Republican state has become occupied by the leader of the Tea Party and the sympathy vote- wagon that she refers to as her son, Trigger. Do not be fooled Republicans. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
The pundits say she is in AZ because its more logistical than Alaska when the Iowa and New Hampshire votes get into full swing. Okay...maybe. But NO. Could've picked any state. The reason she picked AZ is because she believes she can be a bigger star in AZ cause it is THE MOST AWESOMELY Republican state there is. Gov Jan Brewer fights Obama on SB1070, the border, Affirmative Action, and basically everything the Washington Democrats try to do. Oh and there's Sen John McCain. In case ya forgot.
2012 Republican Convention Intros.....(Use your best Michael Buffer voice) Ex-Governor...Tea Party Star...Oprah Guest...and owner of the word "Repudiate"!!!!....Ladies and Gentleman...Your least favorite Republican and Mine....Sarrrrrraaaahhhhhh Payyyyyyy-lin!!!! The bands plays. Nobody cheers. That's such a good dream. But sadly enough, people will cheer. A butt load of dumb asses will cheer. People who think the Republican party is too liberal. Seriously? People who voted for Clinton cause he freakin played the sax on Arsenio. People who voted for Dubya cause he owned MLB's Texas Rangers. The very same idiots who confuse great tits for great ideas. I hate you "95%ers", cause you give us informed "5%ers" a bad name.
Now Ms Palin is going on a tour of the country on her luxury bus. And most of this will be concentrated on the cities of the East Coast, as that's where Republicans need to get votes. I pray for our country. I pray for the sanity of Republicans to remain true and to not sway into the Tea Party. She has a energy and true force that threatens good things from happening for us.
She is something else. How do I put this...she is the female praying mantis of the Republican kingdom. Her goal is to mate with the Republican Party. Decapitate it and produce a new more powerful Tea Party. Extremism is good for NOBODY. Republicans should not want her. The same that we don't want Obama. They are NO different because neither serves the greater good for the Republican Party or the country as a whole. She is Natasha Henstridge from Species. Mating and killing. Watch your back Republicans. There's an enemy in our mitts and it's not named Obama. If it comes down to Obama, being uncontested, and Sarah Palin, as the Republican Nominee, then I vote for myself. Ya heard me. If those two bastards are who we have, then I will start a local campaign that in its premise is no more foolish than Gary Coleman for California Governor. And definitely no more foolish than voting for Obama or Palin.
Im Jus Sayin
The NBA Finals is gonna feel familiar
Here we go. A flashy, scoring Western Conference team vs a defensive minded Eastern Conference team built around a couple of superstars. The deepness of a veteran minded team vs the youthful hunger of men on a mission.
This is what happens. The deep veteran Western Conference team cruises to a Game 1 victory on the back of a big man draining those 3's. After that, its over. The Eastern squad takes control. Defense wins championships. Always. This team has two wing superstars who can not only control the end of the game on offense but COMPLETELY shut you down on defense! You are their prey. Only you don't know it yet. The Western PG, one of the greatest of all time, has his squad prepared and firing. Shot makers everywhere. But the passing lanes aren't there. People get locked down. They feel suffocated. They cant breathe. It was much easier against the offensive minded Conference Finals opponent.
The Eastern Team doesn't have much. Two superstars, a good drop step scoring option in their PF, and role players who want nothing but to let their otherworldly teammates take them to the promise land. The Western Team is chalk full of veterans. Dudes that have been there and done that. They don't get rattled. They have a guy who uses his size to create severe match up problems. You know he gets his but you HOPE he doesn't control the game. You hope.
After 5 games, its done. The East wins 4-1. The Western Team has NO answer for the scoring prowess of the two wing superstars or their ridiculous cat like lane closing reflexes on defense. Not to mention how willing the rest of the squad is to play their role. Don't forget....the role guys joined the team strictly to play beside the superstars.
1991 NBA Finals...Bulls defeat Lakers 4-1. But yeah Heat defeating Mavs 4-1 also works. I just think I've seen this before.
Im Jus Sayin
This is what happens. The deep veteran Western Conference team cruises to a Game 1 victory on the back of a big man draining those 3's. After that, its over. The Eastern squad takes control. Defense wins championships. Always. This team has two wing superstars who can not only control the end of the game on offense but COMPLETELY shut you down on defense! You are their prey. Only you don't know it yet. The Western PG, one of the greatest of all time, has his squad prepared and firing. Shot makers everywhere. But the passing lanes aren't there. People get locked down. They feel suffocated. They cant breathe. It was much easier against the offensive minded Conference Finals opponent.
The Eastern Team doesn't have much. Two superstars, a good drop step scoring option in their PF, and role players who want nothing but to let their otherworldly teammates take them to the promise land. The Western Team is chalk full of veterans. Dudes that have been there and done that. They don't get rattled. They have a guy who uses his size to create severe match up problems. You know he gets his but you HOPE he doesn't control the game. You hope.
After 5 games, its done. The East wins 4-1. The Western Team has NO answer for the scoring prowess of the two wing superstars or their ridiculous cat like lane closing reflexes on defense. Not to mention how willing the rest of the squad is to play their role. Don't forget....the role guys joined the team strictly to play beside the superstars.
1991 NBA Finals...Bulls defeat Lakers 4-1. But yeah Heat defeating Mavs 4-1 also works. I just think I've seen this before.
Im Jus Sayin
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Race Issue and the PBS experience of that
Occasionally from time to time I may address a controversial subject...Thing is, I will ALWAYS give you my honest opinion no matter the subject. On my gravestone it should read "He didn't give a shit what you thought". So here we go....
I have been watching a PBS special on Race. A group of white Americans traveled to the West Indies. They wanted to travel the slave trade and discuss their feelings. They all seem to be middle age hippies who through looking inward at their race are now questioning their accomplishments, the very being of their intelligence, how they were brought up, and their privilege. Out of the 10 or so white Americans, there are 5 Harvard grads and 9 Ivy Leaguers. And that right there fucking pisses me off. The white Americans representing white America on this excursion of guilt are all from wealthy Ivy League families???? what? are you fucking serious?
My History of Virginia class at Virginia Tech taught me many things. One of those things, is the fact that as of the 1861 census....5% of all white males in the state of Virginia owned slaves. 5%! While 20% of white males in VA had the good fortune to own land, they usually had indentured servants or white males who just worked their land cause in reality, the owning of someone was a very expensive enterprise. MY family on my fathers and mothers side have existed in this country since at least the early 1700's. I have yet to find existence of ownership of people in my family. We just didn't have that type of money. We were independent farmers. Military people. My family's experience is a typical American family experience. Let's get it right. The white American did NOT enslave people. The RICH white American enslaved people. Those rich people on the PBS special do not represent me, nor do they give a fair representation of white people in America.
Now every one are these guilt ridden Ivy League sons of bitches think that because their ancestors made horrible decisions for our humanity, that they STILL have the right to represent Americans with their fucked up opinions. Their families had money, slaves, power, and they hurt the humanity of our country. They feel guilty. They believe in Reparations. The believe in Affirmative Action. They believe because of their affluence that white America is on a different plane than minorities in this country. Wrong. See, people that rich are never in touch with America. TODAY's America is not divided by race. It's done by class. Poor see's no color. This is not 1950's America. Not saying its perfect. Its not. But today's America is divided by Green, not by race.
Their privileged families oppressed people for generations. They deserve that guilt but don't make the mistake that those families represent white America. I just don't believe it applies to me or good people who are my age. The average American from my generation, growing up in the 80's and 90's, knows that my public school life did not differ in any form from anyone else in the suburban East Coast community. The opportunity I had was the same opportunity that my friends had.
Now do I blame a Black American for having hatred towards the white race? NO. Let's get it right. Blacks have every right to hate white people. That's a level of hate brought down from generation to generation. But this is the is up to the strength of my generation and the generation after me to be stronger than that. Its up to whites to not listen to family rhetoric...its up to blacks to not pick up their previous generations hate of white people. We have to get past that hate and have to try to continuously make it better for the next generation. People from every race...just have to let go. Let go of the guilt you had no responsibility for. Let go of the anger that makes you want people to feel guilty. Guilt will not let people move forward. Guilt will not bring progress. It just wont. Plain and simple, its time to be bigger people for the future of our great country. The only way to reach our true potential as a country is to put race aside and to unite as Americans.
Im Jus Sayin
I have been watching a PBS special on Race. A group of white Americans traveled to the West Indies. They wanted to travel the slave trade and discuss their feelings. They all seem to be middle age hippies who through looking inward at their race are now questioning their accomplishments, the very being of their intelligence, how they were brought up, and their privilege. Out of the 10 or so white Americans, there are 5 Harvard grads and 9 Ivy Leaguers. And that right there fucking pisses me off. The white Americans representing white America on this excursion of guilt are all from wealthy Ivy League families???? what? are you fucking serious?
My History of Virginia class at Virginia Tech taught me many things. One of those things, is the fact that as of the 1861 census....5% of all white males in the state of Virginia owned slaves. 5%! While 20% of white males in VA had the good fortune to own land, they usually had indentured servants or white males who just worked their land cause in reality, the owning of someone was a very expensive enterprise. MY family on my fathers and mothers side have existed in this country since at least the early 1700's. I have yet to find existence of ownership of people in my family. We just didn't have that type of money. We were independent farmers. Military people. My family's experience is a typical American family experience. Let's get it right. The white American did NOT enslave people. The RICH white American enslaved people. Those rich people on the PBS special do not represent me, nor do they give a fair representation of white people in America.
Now every one are these guilt ridden Ivy League sons of bitches think that because their ancestors made horrible decisions for our humanity, that they STILL have the right to represent Americans with their fucked up opinions. Their families had money, slaves, power, and they hurt the humanity of our country. They feel guilty. They believe in Reparations. The believe in Affirmative Action. They believe because of their affluence that white America is on a different plane than minorities in this country. Wrong. See, people that rich are never in touch with America. TODAY's America is not divided by race. It's done by class. Poor see's no color. This is not 1950's America. Not saying its perfect. Its not. But today's America is divided by Green, not by race.
Their privileged families oppressed people for generations. They deserve that guilt but don't make the mistake that those families represent white America. I just don't believe it applies to me or good people who are my age. The average American from my generation, growing up in the 80's and 90's, knows that my public school life did not differ in any form from anyone else in the suburban East Coast community. The opportunity I had was the same opportunity that my friends had.
Now do I blame a Black American for having hatred towards the white race? NO. Let's get it right. Blacks have every right to hate white people. That's a level of hate brought down from generation to generation. But this is the is up to the strength of my generation and the generation after me to be stronger than that. Its up to whites to not listen to family rhetoric...its up to blacks to not pick up their previous generations hate of white people. We have to get past that hate and have to try to continuously make it better for the next generation. People from every race...just have to let go. Let go of the guilt you had no responsibility for. Let go of the anger that makes you want people to feel guilty. Guilt will not let people move forward. Guilt will not bring progress. It just wont. Plain and simple, its time to be bigger people for the future of our great country. The only way to reach our true potential as a country is to put race aside and to unite as Americans.
Im Jus Sayin
3 MLB games in 4 days and does Fernandomania still exist?
This is gonna be a glorious baseball centric edition to my blog.....
-So the Braves came to town on Wednesday. They were only in town for 2 days. Out of 162 games, while playing together in the National League, the Braves only make the trip to Phx for 2 games! Hello makers of the unbalanced, interleague suck!!! Unfortunately the Braves lost both games to the lowly DBacks. To a normal fan, that would've been a depressing first hand situation. But to me, that's just the Braves being the Braves. The Braves won 14 consecutive Division titles and managed to eek out 1 World Series Title! 1 Fuckin Title!!!! As a Braves fan, you become accustomed to disappointment. It is what it is. While I would still rather be a Braves fan than an Indians or Royals fan....i don't wish the continuous heartache that I have endured on anyone. Sometimes its good to be a Cubs fan. lol. When you set your expectations low, its hard to be disappointed. But then like any baseball fan I realize two indisputable awesome existences of MLB.... 1. There are 162 games, not just 2 and.... 2. Thank god for the Wild Card cause even if the Braves don't overtake the Phillies, they are a shoo in for the WC! So I feel better, the birds chirp again, the world isn't spinning out of control, and I know October is a long way away...Everybody's got a shot...even the lowly Cubs. :) Almost forgot to mention, while hatin on the DBacks for two days this week, they did me proud by getting an 8th Grand Slam to beat the lowly Minnesota Twins tonight. The Twins are just plain evil. But the 1991 World Series and why Kirby Puckett and Kent Hrbek should rot in hell is definitely fodder for a another blog. And Pucketts blindness is what he deserved and Hrbek, You Shall Rue the Day! Im Jus Sayin.
-Now to tell ya how Fernandomania from freakin 30 YEARS ago came onto my radar!!!! At the park with my nieces. 35th and Dunlap park in Phx. Nice park. a little pond the city of Phx stocks every month definitely brings the repeat fisherman to the place. The ridiculous assembly of "jungle gym" material brings the family and children to this park. The group of rocks by the pond reminds me of the James River in Richmond. The kids LOVE playing on those rocks...A Mexican family plays next to me, my boy Steve and his two daughters. They have brought plenty of bats and balls and gloves. 2 male adults and kids ranging from 3 to 13. soccer balls, baseballs, tennis balls, softballs, and gloves. A family that plays and enjoys sports together is a family that stays together....A church cooks out. Free food and water. Took their moment to speak about the rapture and your soul. Couldn't blame em. Great marketing moment ya know....So the Mexican family has a 3 yr old who is RAKIN every 2 of 5 pitches! Got real talent. The hand-eye coordination by a 3yr old, who NEVER choked up on the bat, was just ridiculous! He's definitely got a future in sports. I wanted to instruct him SOOO BAD but didn't wanna over step my bounds. Talking to the dad and he says he is the next Fernando Valenzeula! or the next A-Rod....But if your Mexican and ya only gonna compare your kid to Hispanics... gonna to be that racist dad....then at least stick to Mexicans. A-Rod is Dominican-American.
Soooo Fernando is 1981. While I was 4 at the time and was completely aware of FernandoMania, you may not have known its cultural impact. A dude straight from the Mexican Leagues that took MLB by storm in his Rookie season! He was freakin money! With a high delivery and high strikeouts, he brought Mexican visibility to the MLB! It was a cultural phenomenon. Undeniable. BUT...Yovani Gallardo is a Mexican ace NOW....Adrian Gonzalez is one of the best hitters in MLB NOW, yes he is Mexican...but if ya really wanna compare your kid to a All Time Great...a guy who is actually in the HOF...a guy who in my opinion is the GREATEST hitter in MLB history....that's right...Teddy Freakin Ballgame was 1/4 Mexican...Ted Williams, the greatest hitter ever, was Mexican...hang your hat on that mofo...not a questionable CY Winner who averaged only 10 wins a season for his career!...seriously...a little cultural baseball education would be nice. Im Jus Sayin.
-So the Braves came to town on Wednesday. They were only in town for 2 days. Out of 162 games, while playing together in the National League, the Braves only make the trip to Phx for 2 games! Hello makers of the unbalanced, interleague suck!!! Unfortunately the Braves lost both games to the lowly DBacks. To a normal fan, that would've been a depressing first hand situation. But to me, that's just the Braves being the Braves. The Braves won 14 consecutive Division titles and managed to eek out 1 World Series Title! 1 Fuckin Title!!!! As a Braves fan, you become accustomed to disappointment. It is what it is. While I would still rather be a Braves fan than an Indians or Royals fan....i don't wish the continuous heartache that I have endured on anyone. Sometimes its good to be a Cubs fan. lol. When you set your expectations low, its hard to be disappointed. But then like any baseball fan I realize two indisputable awesome existences of MLB.... 1. There are 162 games, not just 2 and.... 2. Thank god for the Wild Card cause even if the Braves don't overtake the Phillies, they are a shoo in for the WC! So I feel better, the birds chirp again, the world isn't spinning out of control, and I know October is a long way away...Everybody's got a shot...even the lowly Cubs. :) Almost forgot to mention, while hatin on the DBacks for two days this week, they did me proud by getting an 8th Grand Slam to beat the lowly Minnesota Twins tonight. The Twins are just plain evil. But the 1991 World Series and why Kirby Puckett and Kent Hrbek should rot in hell is definitely fodder for a another blog. And Pucketts blindness is what he deserved and Hrbek, You Shall Rue the Day! Im Jus Sayin.
-Now to tell ya how Fernandomania from freakin 30 YEARS ago came onto my radar!!!! At the park with my nieces. 35th and Dunlap park in Phx. Nice park. a little pond the city of Phx stocks every month definitely brings the repeat fisherman to the place. The ridiculous assembly of "jungle gym" material brings the family and children to this park. The group of rocks by the pond reminds me of the James River in Richmond. The kids LOVE playing on those rocks...A Mexican family plays next to me, my boy Steve and his two daughters. They have brought plenty of bats and balls and gloves. 2 male adults and kids ranging from 3 to 13. soccer balls, baseballs, tennis balls, softballs, and gloves. A family that plays and enjoys sports together is a family that stays together....A church cooks out. Free food and water. Took their moment to speak about the rapture and your soul. Couldn't blame em. Great marketing moment ya know....So the Mexican family has a 3 yr old who is RAKIN every 2 of 5 pitches! Got real talent. The hand-eye coordination by a 3yr old, who NEVER choked up on the bat, was just ridiculous! He's definitely got a future in sports. I wanted to instruct him SOOO BAD but didn't wanna over step my bounds. Talking to the dad and he says he is the next Fernando Valenzeula! or the next A-Rod....But if your Mexican and ya only gonna compare your kid to Hispanics... gonna to be that racist dad....then at least stick to Mexicans. A-Rod is Dominican-American.
Soooo Fernando is 1981. While I was 4 at the time and was completely aware of FernandoMania, you may not have known its cultural impact. A dude straight from the Mexican Leagues that took MLB by storm in his Rookie season! He was freakin money! With a high delivery and high strikeouts, he brought Mexican visibility to the MLB! It was a cultural phenomenon. Undeniable. BUT...Yovani Gallardo is a Mexican ace NOW....Adrian Gonzalez is one of the best hitters in MLB NOW, yes he is Mexican...but if ya really wanna compare your kid to a All Time Great...a guy who is actually in the HOF...a guy who in my opinion is the GREATEST hitter in MLB history....that's right...Teddy Freakin Ballgame was 1/4 Mexican...Ted Williams, the greatest hitter ever, was Mexican...hang your hat on that mofo...not a questionable CY Winner who averaged only 10 wins a season for his career!...seriously...a little cultural baseball education would be nice. Im Jus Sayin.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Ah — Playoffs? Don’t talk about — playoffs? You kidding me? Playoffs?
Yes, Jim Mora, the Playoffs. We are deep into the "Playoff season" as this time of year should be called. The only time of year when two major sports simultaneously hold their postseasons. But I don't really care about the NHL so I'm just gonna talk about the NBA.
-So Lebron and Lebronettes got past the team from The Massachusetts Home for the Elderly. The Celtics were like that old guy calling you a whippersnapper, still thinking he can take you. Uhhh sorry gramps. Time for KG, The Big Aristotle and Jesus Shuttlesworth to ride off into the sunset. Please don't be Jordan, please don't Willie Mays, Please don't be Ali. Just go and we will applaud you.
-While this may be a goodbye for those Celtics, and as much as it pains me to say may be a coronation for The King and his subjects. The Heat are rollin. They got it together about 2/3 into the season and with Bron and DWade clicking, they will be VERY hard to stop. Paging DRose...Paging DRose....Please help us. Please stop this. Stop the idea that stars can form their own teams. Make scouting and the draft relevant. Don't let this league turn into 4 or 5 mega teams where All Stars are the defacto GM's. Pat Riley just won Executive of the Year but shouldn't that award really go to Lebron for his "Decision"? To paraphrase Leia, "Help us DRose, you're our only hope"
-This brings me to my appreciation of a few NBA talents. I typically watch a lot more ball in the playoffs than during the regular season. In watching the playoffs, its always easier to appreciate great talent being dominant against great talent. News flash...Derrick Rose is really good. In case that MVP award didn't do it for ya. This isn't about numbers though he definitely puts them up. I've seen point guards as fast (Tony Parker) and as strong (Derrick Williams) but not the combination that Rose brings when he drives his lane. Yes, it is his lane. It just looks really easy for him. And he is only 22. Memo to Lebron: You better get your title while you can, if you can. In looking out West, I see a whole lot of smoothness going on in Big D. Obviously, I have appreciated Dirks game since that gangly German rewrote the book on 7 footers back in 98'. His game is just nasty. You just never expect him to miss. I'm not gonna go the Coach Carlisle route and proclaim him Top 10 All Time (win a title first) but I'm confident he is a top 15-20 player. Now if you want SILKY smooth, i mean really really smooth, then look no further than Jason Terry. There is no other way to describe him. He floats. Full speed always but always another gear. Never out of control. Waiting to attack. Watching Jason Terry play is like watching a Great White nibble at its prey. Three pointer here. Finger roll there. Next thing you know, you might have escaped but you lost your damn leg! And by escaped, I mean you got an early vacation this summer. Have fun, Kobe.
-I guess I could talk NHL Playoffs. How Tampa Bay has been a star killer (Hello Crosby. Hello Ovechkin. Where ya at?), How i think we're gonna have an Original Six Stanley Cup Finals (if ya don't know, educate yourself and look it up), or how if Detroit wins Game 7 then they will become the only team outside of the 2004 Red Sox to come back from being down 0-3 in a best of 7. But since I don't know hockey, I don't wanna embarrass myself by talking about a sport that NCAA Women's Basketball beats in the Nielsen Ratings. Seriously people.
Im Jus Sayin
-So Lebron and Lebronettes got past the team from The Massachusetts Home for the Elderly. The Celtics were like that old guy calling you a whippersnapper, still thinking he can take you. Uhhh sorry gramps. Time for KG, The Big Aristotle and Jesus Shuttlesworth to ride off into the sunset. Please don't be Jordan, please don't Willie Mays, Please don't be Ali. Just go and we will applaud you.
-While this may be a goodbye for those Celtics, and as much as it pains me to say may be a coronation for The King and his subjects. The Heat are rollin. They got it together about 2/3 into the season and with Bron and DWade clicking, they will be VERY hard to stop. Paging DRose...Paging DRose....Please help us. Please stop this. Stop the idea that stars can form their own teams. Make scouting and the draft relevant. Don't let this league turn into 4 or 5 mega teams where All Stars are the defacto GM's. Pat Riley just won Executive of the Year but shouldn't that award really go to Lebron for his "Decision"? To paraphrase Leia, "Help us DRose, you're our only hope"
-This brings me to my appreciation of a few NBA talents. I typically watch a lot more ball in the playoffs than during the regular season. In watching the playoffs, its always easier to appreciate great talent being dominant against great talent. News flash...Derrick Rose is really good. In case that MVP award didn't do it for ya. This isn't about numbers though he definitely puts them up. I've seen point guards as fast (Tony Parker) and as strong (Derrick Williams) but not the combination that Rose brings when he drives his lane. Yes, it is his lane. It just looks really easy for him. And he is only 22. Memo to Lebron: You better get your title while you can, if you can. In looking out West, I see a whole lot of smoothness going on in Big D. Obviously, I have appreciated Dirks game since that gangly German rewrote the book on 7 footers back in 98'. His game is just nasty. You just never expect him to miss. I'm not gonna go the Coach Carlisle route and proclaim him Top 10 All Time (win a title first) but I'm confident he is a top 15-20 player. Now if you want SILKY smooth, i mean really really smooth, then look no further than Jason Terry. There is no other way to describe him. He floats. Full speed always but always another gear. Never out of control. Waiting to attack. Watching Jason Terry play is like watching a Great White nibble at its prey. Three pointer here. Finger roll there. Next thing you know, you might have escaped but you lost your damn leg! And by escaped, I mean you got an early vacation this summer. Have fun, Kobe.
-I guess I could talk NHL Playoffs. How Tampa Bay has been a star killer (Hello Crosby. Hello Ovechkin. Where ya at?), How i think we're gonna have an Original Six Stanley Cup Finals (if ya don't know, educate yourself and look it up), or how if Detroit wins Game 7 then they will become the only team outside of the 2004 Red Sox to come back from being down 0-3 in a best of 7. But since I don't know hockey, I don't wanna embarrass myself by talking about a sport that NCAA Women's Basketball beats in the Nielsen Ratings. Seriously people.
Im Jus Sayin
UFC's awesomeness
In the world of sports this week, the UFC had the best week BY FAR! Here's why............
-The UFC is fixing itself in a BIG way! At UFC's annual Fighters Summit, Dana White announced that the UFC has added Accident Insurance for all fighters in UFC and Strikeforce. HUGE! The insurance covers roughly 300 fighters. "Zuffa pays 100% premiums for the policy. There are no monthly fees incurred by the fighter for participating in the plan", White explained. Now it used to be that fighters were only covered during fight night injuries suffered in the cage. Which doesn't make any sense. Gotta give Dana White and the Zuffa Brothers big props on this one. There are a ridiculous amount of injuries leading up to fights as training is a grueling, dangerous process. This is for everyone but I love it for the fighter just trying to make it. Not everyone is Brock Lesnar. Not everyone has endorsement deals paying hundreds of thousands. A lot of Zuffa Inc. fighters have a primary job to make ends meat. To put food on their families table while they pursue their dreams.This is just a wonderful thing for the continued development and evolution of a thoroughly entertaining sport!
-In addition to that, the UFC is showing the rest of the sports world how to properly handle social media. At the UFC Fighters Summit, they set up a system to REWARD their athletes for their Twitter accounts, followers, and tweets!!! Starting in June, UFC and Strikeforce fighters will be split up into four groups, based on their amount of twitter followers. This will be done to ensure fairness. Then on a quarterly basis, three fighters from each group (12 in total) will be handed a $5000 bonus based on the fighter who has gained the most followers in the quarter, the fighter who gained the highest percentage of new followers, and the fighter who produced the most creative tweets. So they want to reward their athletes for developing as big a following as they can and for helping to develop the UFC brand? Brilliant! While other sports organizations are scared of an athletes/owners use of Twitter (See Mendenhall, Ochocinco, TO and the NFL, or even Gilbert Arenas, Mark Cuban, and the NBA), the UFC is encouraging it because they realize what it can do. Sure sometimes athletes may look like idiots. This will happen. Whats up Mendenhall, I'm talking to you. Hell, from time to time, we all look like idiots. But social media breaks down barriers between athletes and fans. It gives the athlete the opportunity to market themself to the fans however they want. Just gotta think outside the box. Dana White gets it. He just gets it. He sees possibility when the old guard of the other sports just see problems. Another instance of White using his marketing acumen and foresight to promote the UFC brand to anyone and everyone. Keep gettin it White! If you're gonna be something, you might as well be an asshole who happens to be a marketing genius!
Im Jus Sayin
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Mendenhall and other Conspiracy Theorists
Rashard Mendenhall, star running back of the Super Bowl appearing Pittsburgh Steelers, is the latest in a long line of celebrity athletes to truly speak their mind over social media without the help of the ever-present PR rep.
The Pittsburgh Steelers' running back tweeted, hours after the death of Osama bin Laden at the hands of U.S. Navy SEALs, not only that he didn’t believe the reputed terrorist might not have been behind the 9/11 attacks, but that jet planes were not the lone devices that brought down the World Trade Center towers.
“We’ll never know what really happened,” Mendenhall wrote. “I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style.”
Is this REALLY the first time you've heard where someone you "know" shows themselves as a conspiracy theorist? Not me. I know AT LEAST 4 people who have never met each other, who all believe that 9/11 was a farce. Not my opinion but everyone's entitled to their own. In respect to the Osama killin, I want proof. Not for me but for the people who never believe anything.
It is and will be a national dividing point. You think the grassy knole or the moon landing had conspiracy theorists? You have NO idea!!!! In the age of Picasa, Google Map, and Facebook, there are NO secrets. Only the imagination of poorly kept ones or the Mayberry versions that we hope to believe. Is this the 24hr scenerio of a Navy Seal mission, DNA identification (did they get that from CIA who trained him in 80' or so), and quick burial at sea cause it would disturb Muslims????....Maybe...????....BUT maybe not......Seriously. Last I heard, Al-Qaieda didn't actually depict TRUE Muslim beliefs. So why cower to Muslim religion in the burial? Helloooooo? Hellooooo? I'm talking to you Obama and you Def Sec Gates and you Sec of State Hilary Clinton. Cause I have read your 60 Minutes quotes for Sunday and I DONT CARE.
WHY give him ANY respect???!!!!! I dont care. We as Americans DONT CARE. We dont care about future "possible" revenge.
Dear CIA, NSA, Seals, Recon, and the White House:
Do your damn job!
The American Citizens.
Cause the moment you give the radical Islamic world the dignity of knowing their opinion is worth more than your own citizens, is the moment your soldiers start to wonder what side are you on? How dare you hide pictures cause you're worried about little bitches who hide behind veils and caves!!!! We deserve closure!!! My NY and NJ brothers deserve closure! How dare you put the needs of the Middle Eastern Muslims above United States Citizens!!!!
Man your job...tell America "THIS IS THE FACE OF EVIL! AND WE KILLED THAT SOB!!!".....and tell our best and brightest at all of our Federal Agencies to just be on point and do their FUCKIN JOBS!!!!!
To address other theories....I do believe there are Aliens...Moon landing was for real...There was a second shooter on the grassy knole. I personally read the Warren Commission Report and I found it to be a bunch of rhetoric that did not back science. The 1919 Black Sox were all guilty...outside of Shoeless Joe. Who hits .375, only HR in Series, and no errors. They can prove he was underpaid and but he wasnt a rat cause he took the loot and didn't rat on anybody. They could NEVER prove he threw a SINGLE PLAY!!! They could only prove that Comiskey was a cheap freakin bum of an Owner (not uncommonplace for the early 1900's sports society...blame the players now do ya? HA) But a Federal Judge was brought into it and he was banned along with the others from MLB for life. (So in present day, when you like the Govt getting involved in your sport, just remember what you asked for.) The Govt is an Evil Bitch! She's real cool when she's on your side (MLB steriods, NFL Lockout) but she doesn't ever stop being a bitch and you never know when she's gonna flip that script!!!! I'm Jus Sayin!!!!
Webb Out!!!
The Pittsburgh Steelers' running back tweeted, hours after the death of Osama bin Laden at the hands of U.S. Navy SEALs, not only that he didn’t believe the reputed terrorist might not have been behind the 9/11 attacks, but that jet planes were not the lone devices that brought down the World Trade Center towers.
“We’ll never know what really happened,” Mendenhall wrote. “I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style.”
Is this REALLY the first time you've heard where someone you "know" shows themselves as a conspiracy theorist? Not me. I know AT LEAST 4 people who have never met each other, who all believe that 9/11 was a farce. Not my opinion but everyone's entitled to their own. In respect to the Osama killin, I want proof. Not for me but for the people who never believe anything.
It is and will be a national dividing point. You think the grassy knole or the moon landing had conspiracy theorists? You have NO idea!!!! In the age of Picasa, Google Map, and Facebook, there are NO secrets. Only the imagination of poorly kept ones or the Mayberry versions that we hope to believe. Is this the 24hr scenerio of a Navy Seal mission, DNA identification (did they get that from CIA who trained him in 80' or so), and quick burial at sea cause it would disturb Muslims????....Maybe...????....BUT maybe not......Seriously. Last I heard, Al-Qaieda didn't actually depict TRUE Muslim beliefs. So why cower to Muslim religion in the burial? Helloooooo? Hellooooo? I'm talking to you Obama and you Def Sec Gates and you Sec of State Hilary Clinton. Cause I have read your 60 Minutes quotes for Sunday and I DONT CARE.
WHY give him ANY respect???!!!!! I dont care. We as Americans DONT CARE. We dont care about future "possible" revenge.
Dear CIA, NSA, Seals, Recon, and the White House:
Do your damn job!
The American Citizens.
Cause the moment you give the radical Islamic world the dignity of knowing their opinion is worth more than your own citizens, is the moment your soldiers start to wonder what side are you on? How dare you hide pictures cause you're worried about little bitches who hide behind veils and caves!!!! We deserve closure!!! My NY and NJ brothers deserve closure! How dare you put the needs of the Middle Eastern Muslims above United States Citizens!!!!
Man your job...tell America "THIS IS THE FACE OF EVIL! AND WE KILLED THAT SOB!!!".....and tell our best and brightest at all of our Federal Agencies to just be on point and do their FUCKIN JOBS!!!!!
To address other theories....I do believe there are Aliens...Moon landing was for real...There was a second shooter on the grassy knole. I personally read the Warren Commission Report and I found it to be a bunch of rhetoric that did not back science. The 1919 Black Sox were all guilty...outside of Shoeless Joe. Who hits .375, only HR in Series, and no errors. They can prove he was underpaid and but he wasnt a rat cause he took the loot and didn't rat on anybody. They could NEVER prove he threw a SINGLE PLAY!!! They could only prove that Comiskey was a cheap freakin bum of an Owner (not uncommonplace for the early 1900's sports society...blame the players now do ya? HA) But a Federal Judge was brought into it and he was banned along with the others from MLB for life. (So in present day, when you like the Govt getting involved in your sport, just remember what you asked for.) The Govt is an Evil Bitch! She's real cool when she's on your side (MLB steriods, NFL Lockout) but she doesn't ever stop being a bitch and you never know when she's gonna flip that script!!!! I'm Jus Sayin!!!!
Webb Out!!!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Random topics of awesomeness....
This blog will address a variety of topics:
-Lets start with the idiocracy of Donald Trump and his birth certificate hunt. There is a VERY big difference between being conservative and using that floor plan as the basis of your craziness. Sorry Trump but ya lost me. You are no leader. A leader is Gov Janet Brewer, while always being accused of being a racist and biggot b/c of her conservative values, decided to veto a bill passed by a Republican state senate and house that would require a Proof of Citizenship. She actually stood up for Obama. Took a stand and said enough is enough. Basically said I will attack and argue his politics but I will not question his right to be an American! Love that shit Brewer! Trump, you are no leader. You are a good reality show host at best and an 80's realty scam artist at worst.
-uhhh...the royal wedding. touchy subject cause all you bitches and dudes dream bout being some freakin royalty! when if you ACTUALLY FELT being an American, you would spit on the concept of royalty. seriously. the entire thing is that someone b/c of lineage is a better person than you! Are you serious? NOBODY is better than me and THAT is how an American should think!! As an American, I will ALWAYS have the ability to be the next Warren Buffet and THAT is the beauty of being an American!!!! Gotta love this country and the opportunity it ALWAYS gives ya! you can fuck up your entire life, for decades and decades, but if you have the ability then you can definitely make it right. It's called livin in the Motherland of Capitalism. Im Jus Sayin.
-A personal thing. Tomorrow I am gonna meet with Mr Faustner. or Henry as his associate scouts call him. hopefully in Oct/Nov I will have the right to call him Henry. we shall see. Mr. Faustner is a Scout for the Atlanta Braves who oversees a certain area of Southern California that includes coverage of JUCOs and HS's. He has a number of associate scouts, who get paid on dreams and fun, who routinely scout for him and report scouting info based on the hope of one day being the man. The Scout for the area. They want to go to the ballpark everyday and make a decent living. Crazy right??? That is one of my many sports dreams that I know I can succeed at. I aced last weekends test. Hopefully tomorrows will be just as easy. No worries though. You just realize things. I realize no matter the sports related question from a man in charge of other scouts, I cannot be stumped. I have prepared for this day since I was 5 and I started reading the sports page front to back. Yes, at 5 I did that. I am a passionate person and this is my ultimate form of passion. I refuse to be stopped. Check back with me tomorrow. To paraphrase Romey... "Webb Out!"
-Oh and what does MENSA mean to you? I just passed a preliminary test on the official Mensa site. 30 questions in 30 minutes. 28 right got me a request via email to take another test in Tuscon in a supervised situation. A total of $200 would pay for tests and 1st yr membership. BUT if I pass, I would then be Ashby Webb III, Mensa Member. And to me...a person who values intelligence not only in myself but in friends and possible girlfriends, that is HUGE!!!! The only logical step after Mensa would be to get on a Virgin Shuttle into Outer Space. Who doesnt want to go to Outer Space? And who doesnt want to have themselves introduced as a Mensa Member? cause if ya did it yourself, it would just be tacky. Gotta get people to do it for you. Gotta get people to say "Have ya met Ashby, he's a Mensa Member". Cause nobody likes people who proclaim their intelligence. They either wanna figure that out for themselves or just tell you that they think you're smart. And that is why nobody likes people who went to UVA, except you Hanshew. Im Jus Sayin
-White House Correspondence Dinner where Pres. Obama ripped into Obama, as did SNL Weekend Update Host Seth
After a week when Obama released his long-form Hawaii birth certificate, he said Trump could now focus on the serious issues, from whether the moon landing actually happened to "where are Biggie and Tupac?"
Trump chuckled at some of the earlier jokes, but was clearly less amused as comedian Seth Meyers picked up where Obama left off. "Donald Trump often talks about running as a Republican, which is surprising," said the Saturday Night Live actor, entrusted with providing some of the comedy for the evening. "I just assumed he was running as a joke." Love it!!!!
-Lets start with the idiocracy of Donald Trump and his birth certificate hunt. There is a VERY big difference between being conservative and using that floor plan as the basis of your craziness. Sorry Trump but ya lost me. You are no leader. A leader is Gov Janet Brewer, while always being accused of being a racist and biggot b/c of her conservative values, decided to veto a bill passed by a Republican state senate and house that would require a Proof of Citizenship. She actually stood up for Obama. Took a stand and said enough is enough. Basically said I will attack and argue his politics but I will not question his right to be an American! Love that shit Brewer! Trump, you are no leader. You are a good reality show host at best and an 80's realty scam artist at worst.
-uhhh...the royal wedding. touchy subject cause all you bitches and dudes dream bout being some freakin royalty! when if you ACTUALLY FELT being an American, you would spit on the concept of royalty. seriously. the entire thing is that someone b/c of lineage is a better person than you! Are you serious? NOBODY is better than me and THAT is how an American should think!! As an American, I will ALWAYS have the ability to be the next Warren Buffet and THAT is the beauty of being an American!!!! Gotta love this country and the opportunity it ALWAYS gives ya! you can fuck up your entire life, for decades and decades, but if you have the ability then you can definitely make it right. It's called livin in the Motherland of Capitalism. Im Jus Sayin.
-A personal thing. Tomorrow I am gonna meet with Mr Faustner. or Henry as his associate scouts call him. hopefully in Oct/Nov I will have the right to call him Henry. we shall see. Mr. Faustner is a Scout for the Atlanta Braves who oversees a certain area of Southern California that includes coverage of JUCOs and HS's. He has a number of associate scouts, who get paid on dreams and fun, who routinely scout for him and report scouting info based on the hope of one day being the man. The Scout for the area. They want to go to the ballpark everyday and make a decent living. Crazy right??? That is one of my many sports dreams that I know I can succeed at. I aced last weekends test. Hopefully tomorrows will be just as easy. No worries though. You just realize things. I realize no matter the sports related question from a man in charge of other scouts, I cannot be stumped. I have prepared for this day since I was 5 and I started reading the sports page front to back. Yes, at 5 I did that. I am a passionate person and this is my ultimate form of passion. I refuse to be stopped. Check back with me tomorrow. To paraphrase Romey... "Webb Out!"
-Oh and what does MENSA mean to you? I just passed a preliminary test on the official Mensa site. 30 questions in 30 minutes. 28 right got me a request via email to take another test in Tuscon in a supervised situation. A total of $200 would pay for tests and 1st yr membership. BUT if I pass, I would then be Ashby Webb III, Mensa Member. And to me...a person who values intelligence not only in myself but in friends and possible girlfriends, that is HUGE!!!! The only logical step after Mensa would be to get on a Virgin Shuttle into Outer Space. Who doesnt want to go to Outer Space? And who doesnt want to have themselves introduced as a Mensa Member? cause if ya did it yourself, it would just be tacky. Gotta get people to do it for you. Gotta get people to say "Have ya met Ashby, he's a Mensa Member". Cause nobody likes people who proclaim their intelligence. They either wanna figure that out for themselves or just tell you that they think you're smart. And that is why nobody likes people who went to UVA, except you Hanshew. Im Jus Sayin
-White House Correspondence Dinner where Pres. Obama ripped into Obama, as did SNL Weekend Update Host Seth
After a week when Obama released his long-form Hawaii birth certificate, he said Trump could now focus on the serious issues, from whether the moon landing actually happened to "where are Biggie and Tupac?"
Trump chuckled at some of the earlier jokes, but was clearly less amused as comedian Seth Meyers picked up where Obama left off. "Donald Trump often talks about running as a Republican, which is surprising," said the Saturday Night Live actor, entrusted with providing some of the comedy for the evening. "I just assumed he was running as a joke." Love it!!!!
The moment in the NHL playoffs where hockey mattered...
hmmmm....where to start where to start...going powerplay for the short subject...hahahaha...This past week in sports included the opening round of the NHL playoffs. I am sure there are plenty of people from the NE or even as far north as NOVA or as far SW as Phoenix who give a crap about ice hockey. Completely understand the ignorance that a NE sports climate brings.... Where you cant play any other sports.... so it goes...Now, the REAL reason for mentioning hockey isn't to talk about the Flyers Game 1 asswhoopin , or the Wings sweeping through, or the Caps marching on as the #1 seed!!! The ONLY reason Americans should care about the NHL playoffs is because Sidney "I stole your gold" Crosby has been eliminated from the Stanley Cup Playoffs!!!!! He took our Gold and now he will NOT win a Stanley Cup in 2011! Take ur victories how u get em!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! Canadians are the ranch dressing for your hot wings!...... Are they really necessary???!!! Im Jus Sayin
THE REAL Winners and Losers of the NFL Draft
When it comes to winners and losers of the NFL Draft, talkin-head know-it-alls like to cover their bases and name about 6 or 7 obvious winners and losers!!! I am NOT that guy. I give you 2 winners and 2 losers. They may not be obvious...hmmmmm
1. Lions - and its a freakin runaway!!!!! While they only had 5 picks they used them in key areas to gain immediate explosiveness!!!! Aaron Rodgers meet Nick Fairley. You're gonna see him A LOT! Suh and Fairley form the BEST young combo of interior front lineman since EVER! Your Detroit line was nice with VanDenBosch and Suh but now with Fairley...OH LORDY!!!! Then they used their 2nd rnd picks on DEFINITE impact players on offense. WR Titus Young has star #2 written all over him. Speed, height, hands. he is protype. He WILL burn Calvin Johnson double teams and poorly shown FS shading! bank on it. And RB Mikel Leshoure from Univ of Ill. He's about 6'0", 227, 4.45 40!!!!! A freakin monster for the 25th pick of rnd 2!!! The Lions have been having nice drafts and FA classes for the past 2 yrs but these 3 picks really put them over the top.
2. Broncos - Love the pick of Von Miller! a physical freak that we see his "touches" in the 3-4. with Dumervil and Miller the Broncos will have bookend rushers and you can build around that. Rnd 2 got the best safety on the board in Moore from UCLA. Trading down produced another 2nd round pick in OG Franklin from da U! any pick in the 2nd rnd should be an immediate starter. if not, then as a GM you suck. Now, dont discard 3rd rnd pick ILB Irving out of NCST. dude's got NFL length and speed. gotta love his reach. he was especially distructive against the VT protection. If not for Tyrod leading a comback, he would've got more recognition. BUT the best value is TE Virgil Green who while he was rated a 4th rnder on most boards, he fell to the begining of the 7th rnd for the Broncos!!! Great value and along with 4th rnd pick TE Thomas out of Portland St, he will give the Broncos depth in moving that middle of the field! MOST IMPORTANTLY, this draft showed Elway's faith in Tim Tebow. Even if I never said another word bout Tebow/Elway, then as a true Bronco fan you would know their relationship is the real story of your draft. Or at least you should.
1. Dallas Cowboys : First off, As a Redskins fan, i just wanna say I love you Jerry Jones!!! You make Daniel Snyder look sane. seriously. You have sooooo many holes that you SHOULD take the best playmaker but instead you take a RT when your QB is righthanded!!!!! Wow! the 9th pick should be spent like that? 2nd rnd you draft OLB Bruce Carter when you have DWare and Anthony Spencer (as a Skins fan please bench him for Carter)? Dallas's RB depth looks like Felix Jones, Tashard Choice, and Marion Barber. For some reason they thought an injury prone Demarco Murray was worth the 3rd rnd choice to take somebody's spot! really? As a Skins fan, I would like to personally thank Jerry Jones. :)
2. Atlanta Falcons : They traded their future for Julius Jones. Jones is not even the best WR in the draft. Sure he may be the best at the combine but only FOOLS judge football players by the combine. I.E. Vernon Gholston, OLB for the Jets picked at #6 about 4 yrs ago. Point being, he had WAY too many drops!!! I dont care what JJ Stokes trade up you referenced for value but Sam Bradford is the only player in the last 5 yrs worth that many picks!!! For reference, the Falcons gave up their 1st rnd (#27), 2nd rnd, 4th rnd and their 2012 1st rnd and 4th rnd!!! Really? Jones is money, dont get me wrong. Big VERY physical WR who will be the best blocking WR since Hines Ward who runs a 4.38 40!!! BUT he drops balls and doesnt run the crispest of routes.We shall see if he is worth 3 GUARANTEED starters in the two 1st rnders and the 2nd while the two 4th rnders probably produce another starter if you draft well. They lost picks by trading up for weak ass Jacquizz Rodgers or however you spell small weaker version of LaMichael James! Yes LaMichael James will suck next yr as a NFL prospect! but thats for another enlightenment. Point being, if the Atlanta Falcons don't win a SB in the next 3 yrs then this draft is a loss cause the salary cap will bite them in the ass. Yes, as a serious NFL fan you have to consider future salary cap ramifications if you want to keep guys like OLB Weatherspoon. Ya feel me?
Other teams like the Bengals, Redskins, Saints, Colts, Patriots, and Ravens couldve been mentioned but they werent! I liked or disliked what ALL of those squads did, but I didn't love or hate and that is why they don't make the list. Im Jus Sayin.
1. Lions - and its a freakin runaway!!!!! While they only had 5 picks they used them in key areas to gain immediate explosiveness!!!! Aaron Rodgers meet Nick Fairley. You're gonna see him A LOT! Suh and Fairley form the BEST young combo of interior front lineman since EVER! Your Detroit line was nice with VanDenBosch and Suh but now with Fairley...OH LORDY!!!! Then they used their 2nd rnd picks on DEFINITE impact players on offense. WR Titus Young has star #2 written all over him. Speed, height, hands. he is protype. He WILL burn Calvin Johnson double teams and poorly shown FS shading! bank on it. And RB Mikel Leshoure from Univ of Ill. He's about 6'0", 227, 4.45 40!!!!! A freakin monster for the 25th pick of rnd 2!!! The Lions have been having nice drafts and FA classes for the past 2 yrs but these 3 picks really put them over the top.
2. Broncos - Love the pick of Von Miller! a physical freak that we see his "touches" in the 3-4. with Dumervil and Miller the Broncos will have bookend rushers and you can build around that. Rnd 2 got the best safety on the board in Moore from UCLA. Trading down produced another 2nd round pick in OG Franklin from da U! any pick in the 2nd rnd should be an immediate starter. if not, then as a GM you suck. Now, dont discard 3rd rnd pick ILB Irving out of NCST. dude's got NFL length and speed. gotta love his reach. he was especially distructive against the VT protection. If not for Tyrod leading a comback, he would've got more recognition. BUT the best value is TE Virgil Green who while he was rated a 4th rnder on most boards, he fell to the begining of the 7th rnd for the Broncos!!! Great value and along with 4th rnd pick TE Thomas out of Portland St, he will give the Broncos depth in moving that middle of the field! MOST IMPORTANTLY, this draft showed Elway's faith in Tim Tebow. Even if I never said another word bout Tebow/Elway, then as a true Bronco fan you would know their relationship is the real story of your draft. Or at least you should.
1. Dallas Cowboys : First off, As a Redskins fan, i just wanna say I love you Jerry Jones!!! You make Daniel Snyder look sane. seriously. You have sooooo many holes that you SHOULD take the best playmaker but instead you take a RT when your QB is righthanded!!!!! Wow! the 9th pick should be spent like that? 2nd rnd you draft OLB Bruce Carter when you have DWare and Anthony Spencer (as a Skins fan please bench him for Carter)? Dallas's RB depth looks like Felix Jones, Tashard Choice, and Marion Barber. For some reason they thought an injury prone Demarco Murray was worth the 3rd rnd choice to take somebody's spot! really? As a Skins fan, I would like to personally thank Jerry Jones. :)
2. Atlanta Falcons : They traded their future for Julius Jones. Jones is not even the best WR in the draft. Sure he may be the best at the combine but only FOOLS judge football players by the combine. I.E. Vernon Gholston, OLB for the Jets picked at #6 about 4 yrs ago. Point being, he had WAY too many drops!!! I dont care what JJ Stokes trade up you referenced for value but Sam Bradford is the only player in the last 5 yrs worth that many picks!!! For reference, the Falcons gave up their 1st rnd (#27), 2nd rnd, 4th rnd and their 2012 1st rnd and 4th rnd!!! Really? Jones is money, dont get me wrong. Big VERY physical WR who will be the best blocking WR since Hines Ward who runs a 4.38 40!!! BUT he drops balls and doesnt run the crispest of routes.We shall see if he is worth 3 GUARANTEED starters in the two 1st rnders and the 2nd while the two 4th rnders probably produce another starter if you draft well. They lost picks by trading up for weak ass Jacquizz Rodgers or however you spell small weaker version of LaMichael James! Yes LaMichael James will suck next yr as a NFL prospect! but thats for another enlightenment. Point being, if the Atlanta Falcons don't win a SB in the next 3 yrs then this draft is a loss cause the salary cap will bite them in the ass. Yes, as a serious NFL fan you have to consider future salary cap ramifications if you want to keep guys like OLB Weatherspoon. Ya feel me?
Other teams like the Bengals, Redskins, Saints, Colts, Patriots, and Ravens couldve been mentioned but they werent! I liked or disliked what ALL of those squads did, but I didn't love or hate and that is why they don't make the list. Im Jus Sayin.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Gotta grab what you love
As a young child, we all have dreams of what we want to be. Whether that's a fireman, a baseball player, the US President, or maybe you just wanted to be He-Man? Who knows. That's on you. At what point as an adult do you give up on those dreams? When you're 30? When you have kids? Get married? That's a harrowing call that each individual has to make for themselves. Realizing a plan for your dream and moving towards that goal is something that doesn't always happen when you're in that College Academic advisors office. Sometimes it takes a life full of lessons, last calls, and speeches about your "potential" before you get your act right.
I myself am not a quick learner of life. It has taken me time. Hello my name is Ashby and I have a retarded amount of sports potential. I HAVE to work in sports! I just have to. I "interned" for 4 weeks last summer as the guy who broke down offense and defense film at a JUCO college (Mesa Community College) for a head coach who coached for 11 years in the NFL!!! (Side Note: It was limited to 4 weeks because Head Coach Hargrave was fired for embezzlement). At the beginning, I had a brief meeting with the OC while my boy Nick, a future FB for Mesa, talked with some other players. I used those stupid hours of Sportscenter and NFL Network to break down his playbook! He was dutifully impressed, got me the meeting with Coach Hargrave, and a man who coached 11 yrs in the NFL decided I had enough potential in my football knowledge to teach me how to break down film. NFL style! It was freakin glorious!!!! And while it truly sucks Hargrave embezzled and got his whole staff fired, yes even the volunteers, it was an experience that millions of NFL fans would DIE FOR!!!!! A validation. That my insane knowledge has a purpose...its just about finding it.
But I truly believe my professional knowledge is not limited to football. That may sound conceded but its not. It's just not. Anyone who ever asked me to break down a box and 1, the infield shifts in every situation, or the Tampa 2! These innate abilities (passed down by my Granddaddy) are providing me another avenue for "The Dream". Jason, a friend of mine, is an Atlanta Braves Scout who is coming into Phoenix this weekend from the LA area. I had very preliminary discussions last weekend concerning possible scouting employment. I met Jason two yrs ago and while he has been appreciative of my love of the great American Pastime, He had to finish being an associate scout before anything could really go down. This is his 3rd yr being a scout and next yr he will have his own associate scouts at his disposal. He thought of me. From April 22-24, he will be in Phx. I will schmooze, impress with my knowledge, and hopefully convince him of my scouting potential. He doesn't have the final word. But he has A word in the decision. The dream is alive!!! My passion is feasible. Those hundreds of hours are for a reason. A capitalistic purpose! Making a passion profitable is how you show people. That's the REAL goal of facebook but that's for another blog.
How do you show your father that even though he was SOOOOO worried about your obsession that it can be profitable. You show him knowledge gained from reading the sports page front to back at the age of 6 is not a bad thing. And while I LOVE that you made me read the ENTIRE newspaper everyday from the age of 6, if I wanted to continue to get that sports page, I know you don't have to be scared of my addiction. It CAN be profitable! I KNOW i will get to that "sports dream"! For me, its not an "if" but a "when".
I implore you to reach for whatever it is you love. It is NEVER too late. Money is not the end. Just a part of the means. Imagine being happy to go to work. Being disappointed on Sat and Sun that you don't have work. Imagine living out a childhood fantasy. Imagine growing up to be He-Man and getting paid for it! Just Imagine.
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
-John Lennon
I myself am not a quick learner of life. It has taken me time. Hello my name is Ashby and I have a retarded amount of sports potential. I HAVE to work in sports! I just have to. I "interned" for 4 weeks last summer as the guy who broke down offense and defense film at a JUCO college (Mesa Community College) for a head coach who coached for 11 years in the NFL!!! (Side Note: It was limited to 4 weeks because Head Coach Hargrave was fired for embezzlement). At the beginning, I had a brief meeting with the OC while my boy Nick, a future FB for Mesa, talked with some other players. I used those stupid hours of Sportscenter and NFL Network to break down his playbook! He was dutifully impressed, got me the meeting with Coach Hargrave, and a man who coached 11 yrs in the NFL decided I had enough potential in my football knowledge to teach me how to break down film. NFL style! It was freakin glorious!!!! And while it truly sucks Hargrave embezzled and got his whole staff fired, yes even the volunteers, it was an experience that millions of NFL fans would DIE FOR!!!!! A validation. That my insane knowledge has a purpose...its just about finding it.
But I truly believe my professional knowledge is not limited to football. That may sound conceded but its not. It's just not. Anyone who ever asked me to break down a box and 1, the infield shifts in every situation, or the Tampa 2! These innate abilities (passed down by my Granddaddy) are providing me another avenue for "The Dream". Jason, a friend of mine, is an Atlanta Braves Scout who is coming into Phoenix this weekend from the LA area. I had very preliminary discussions last weekend concerning possible scouting employment. I met Jason two yrs ago and while he has been appreciative of my love of the great American Pastime, He had to finish being an associate scout before anything could really go down. This is his 3rd yr being a scout and next yr he will have his own associate scouts at his disposal. He thought of me. From April 22-24, he will be in Phx. I will schmooze, impress with my knowledge, and hopefully convince him of my scouting potential. He doesn't have the final word. But he has A word in the decision. The dream is alive!!! My passion is feasible. Those hundreds of hours are for a reason. A capitalistic purpose! Making a passion profitable is how you show people. That's the REAL goal of facebook but that's for another blog.
How do you show your father that even though he was SOOOOO worried about your obsession that it can be profitable. You show him knowledge gained from reading the sports page front to back at the age of 6 is not a bad thing. And while I LOVE that you made me read the ENTIRE newspaper everyday from the age of 6, if I wanted to continue to get that sports page, I know you don't have to be scared of my addiction. It CAN be profitable! I KNOW i will get to that "sports dream"! For me, its not an "if" but a "when".
I implore you to reach for whatever it is you love. It is NEVER too late. Money is not the end. Just a part of the means. Imagine being happy to go to work. Being disappointed on Sat and Sun that you don't have work. Imagine living out a childhood fantasy. Imagine growing up to be He-Man and getting paid for it! Just Imagine.
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
-John Lennon
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Dear Bandwagon Fans...........
DISCLAIMER: To all bandwagon fans, I may piss you off in this blog by my general disgust of your existence!!!!!!
Bandwagon Fan. Depending on who you are, that can be a very abusive term. Webster's Dictionary had nothing for me but did. A couple definitions. 1. "Anyone who claims they are a "fan" of a particular sports team even though they had no prior support for/interest in that particular team until that team started winning. These type of fans show playoff interest, and have probably never watched a regular season game." 2.Whenever's a region's sports team gets really good, really quickly. Everyone and their fucking dog either buys a sports jersey or takes the old one out of the closet claiming they are a diehard fan." Hmmmm....
I'm just gonna let those definitions sink in....... In 1995, I was a freshman at college and my favorite MLB team, the Braves, FINALLY won the World Series. I was called a bandwagon fan cause those people had NO idea the suffering of 100 loss seasons coupled with several World Series losses did to me. They didn't know my history of fandom with the Braves, so I understand the accusations. I was not a bandwagon fan! I am the fan that takes offense to that term. I am the fan who is serious in his fanhood. Now, I understand the casual fan who latches on at the opportune moment of the Super Bowl, World Series, or the Final Four. You are too cute. The kind of cute that Lennie crushed in Of Mice and Men! LETS GET THIS STRAIGHT. You exist because I exist!!! I, the REAL sports fan, enable your casual fandom. Your Final Four parties, your Super Bowl parties, and definitely your World Cup excuses for being late for work. Me and hundreds of thousands like me are ruthless in our loyalty to attendance, merchandise, and viewing habits. You the casual bandwagon are the casualty of the great American existence, Sports.
Now,'s definitions cover many a team. Most recently I am reminded of the VCU Basketball team as they made their run to the 2011 Final Four. It was a tremendous run for a mid-major team. But it both confuses me and makes me sympathetic towards people. I mean, it's cute. It's just sweet how people who have NEVER rooted for a team suddenly have a rooting interest and they are buying jerseys/merchandise of the team. I understand that not everyone is a real fan. I understand that. They have that excuse of ignorance. BUT YOU.....and you know who I'm talking about. The ACTUAL sports fan whose team didn't make it. So you became a die hard fan of a region team that did. I laugh at you. You are NO SPORTS FAN! You pretend to be loyal to your team but your loyalty is as false as Obama's desire to help America! I don't care about your "little engine that could" regional team. It's a real shame people will compromise themselves as "true fans" (cause next yr they will call themselves that when they root for the team/school they always rooted for) so that they will openly root for a regional team that is still in it.
You disgust me. Phonies. Nothing but fake shit. But next year I will wait for you. You will be there. That team you "always" were behind and just now suddenly started rooting for. Do what you do. I will wait for you. Like a fart in the wind, you will come and go. So VIRGINIANS, I speak to YOU!!! When UVA lacrosse and soccer is in contention for a national title, WILL YOU STAND UP! If VT runs through the ACC Football schedule like we did last year, WILL YOU STAND UP!!! You JMU, Hampton, UR, VCU, GMU, WMU fans, WILL YOU STAND UP!!! You stood up for VCU, don't sit down now!!!! Its okay if you dont. I will laugh and remember you claiming you weren't a bandwagon fan. BUT if you don't, admit to yourself you are a BANDWAGON VCU fan!!!! I KNOW that's what you are. I am not fooled. I love these sports and I am intolerant of your abuses!!! In your heart you will know you are a bandwagon. You are that fuckin fly buzzing around that nobody gives a shit about. That nuisance. You are a part of nothing. No Ram Nation. You will go away next year and I laugh at you. You are pathetic. But I am sympathetic to you like the cripple in the Post Office with leprosy, CAUSE YOU FREAKIN DISGUST ME!!!!
Bandwagon Fan. Depending on who you are, that can be a very abusive term. Webster's Dictionary had nothing for me but did. A couple definitions. 1. "Anyone who claims they are a "fan" of a particular sports team even though they had no prior support for/interest in that particular team until that team started winning. These type of fans show playoff interest, and have probably never watched a regular season game." 2.Whenever's a region's sports team gets really good, really quickly. Everyone and their fucking dog either buys a sports jersey or takes the old one out of the closet claiming they are a diehard fan." Hmmmm....
I'm just gonna let those definitions sink in....... In 1995, I was a freshman at college and my favorite MLB team, the Braves, FINALLY won the World Series. I was called a bandwagon fan cause those people had NO idea the suffering of 100 loss seasons coupled with several World Series losses did to me. They didn't know my history of fandom with the Braves, so I understand the accusations. I was not a bandwagon fan! I am the fan that takes offense to that term. I am the fan who is serious in his fanhood. Now, I understand the casual fan who latches on at the opportune moment of the Super Bowl, World Series, or the Final Four. You are too cute. The kind of cute that Lennie crushed in Of Mice and Men! LETS GET THIS STRAIGHT. You exist because I exist!!! I, the REAL sports fan, enable your casual fandom. Your Final Four parties, your Super Bowl parties, and definitely your World Cup excuses for being late for work. Me and hundreds of thousands like me are ruthless in our loyalty to attendance, merchandise, and viewing habits. You the casual bandwagon are the casualty of the great American existence, Sports.
Now,'s definitions cover many a team. Most recently I am reminded of the VCU Basketball team as they made their run to the 2011 Final Four. It was a tremendous run for a mid-major team. But it both confuses me and makes me sympathetic towards people. I mean, it's cute. It's just sweet how people who have NEVER rooted for a team suddenly have a rooting interest and they are buying jerseys/merchandise of the team. I understand that not everyone is a real fan. I understand that. They have that excuse of ignorance. BUT YOU.....and you know who I'm talking about. The ACTUAL sports fan whose team didn't make it. So you became a die hard fan of a region team that did. I laugh at you. You are NO SPORTS FAN! You pretend to be loyal to your team but your loyalty is as false as Obama's desire to help America! I don't care about your "little engine that could" regional team. It's a real shame people will compromise themselves as "true fans" (cause next yr they will call themselves that when they root for the team/school they always rooted for) so that they will openly root for a regional team that is still in it.
You disgust me. Phonies. Nothing but fake shit. But next year I will wait for you. You will be there. That team you "always" were behind and just now suddenly started rooting for. Do what you do. I will wait for you. Like a fart in the wind, you will come and go. So VIRGINIANS, I speak to YOU!!! When UVA lacrosse and soccer is in contention for a national title, WILL YOU STAND UP! If VT runs through the ACC Football schedule like we did last year, WILL YOU STAND UP!!! You JMU, Hampton, UR, VCU, GMU, WMU fans, WILL YOU STAND UP!!! You stood up for VCU, don't sit down now!!!! Its okay if you dont. I will laugh and remember you claiming you weren't a bandwagon fan. BUT if you don't, admit to yourself you are a BANDWAGON VCU fan!!!! I KNOW that's what you are. I am not fooled. I love these sports and I am intolerant of your abuses!!! In your heart you will know you are a bandwagon. You are that fuckin fly buzzing around that nobody gives a shit about. That nuisance. You are a part of nothing. No Ram Nation. You will go away next year and I laugh at you. You are pathetic. But I am sympathetic to you like the cripple in the Post Office with leprosy, CAUSE YOU FREAKIN DISGUST ME!!!!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Avg Income per person/per state and how it correlates to sports
People have various criteria on what makes a state good to live in? Air quality? Traffic? Sports Teams? In State Public Universities? Social Programs? Leniency on various criminal activities? Distance from the border? There is obviously a lot of different things a citizen can look at. What is the American Dream though? You can live in the city or country, plains or the mountains, next to the oceans or the rivers. The American Dream is only one word......EVERYTHING! Yes sir. We want it ALL!!!! Plain and simple. Many ways to get that. Because....
America is made up of different experiences. And the differences in those childhood experiences make up a beautiful menagerie of Americanism. I grew up in a singular experience. An experience most people in America did not have. I grew up on a 7 acre farm complete with the experience of never buying fruits or vegetables. Cherries, Pears, Plums, Apples, Blackberries, Strawberries, Watermelons, and Grapes. Spinach, Corn, Green Beans, Carrots, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Beets, Radishes, Onions, Okra, Lettuce, and Lima Beans. These were the fruits and vegetables we lived off of. We also had a steady supply of deer, turkey, and herring fish. Four wheelin, creek crossin, sleigh ridin, good country fun. True country living. While that was a great childhood experience, You would have to drug my ass to get me to live on a 7 acre farm as an adult!!! I want to drive 3 minutes to a RedBox rather than 20 minutes to a freakin Blockbuster!!! Everyone has their preference of country vs city. I have experienced both. And if you prefer the country, then you are wrong. And I'm sure there may be a disagreement or two on that one. But seeing a recent USA Today article got me thinkin about where its best to live and what singular existence of American culture ALWAYS alligns a better way of life. Naturally I thought of sports....
So the USA Today has come out with a list that attempts to quantify which state is best. The stat used is the average income per person, by state. Showing money per individual per state. Attempting to show the greatness of a state in one statistic. But You can't quantify happiness by money, city, or sports. That's what they tell me at least. I SAY, greatness of a state and city can be linked to SPORTS. Good'ol American sports capitalism at its finest! I SAY, America is Sports! I SAY, Sports is Capitalism! I SAY, Capitalism is America! I SAY, Baseball is freakin Apple Pie, Condoleezza Rice is an NFL Groupie, and Magic Johnson has the cure for AIDS!!!! I SAY, America and the capitalism of Sports in America is as intertwined as liberal/conservative flip flopping of the Rep/Dem parties since their inception!!!! But let me show you the difference in the top 10 compared to the bottom 10 in cities and their relationships with sports. Make your own opinion on how sports affects our nation.
The Top 10 is Connecticut, Mass., NJ, Maryland, NY, Wyoming, VA, Alaska, New Hampshire, and Washington. Sports DEFINITELY correlates to money in top 10 states. Connecticut gets the pass of not having a Pro team because ESPN in located in Bristol. If you're looking for logic, watch CNN... Mass, NJ Maryland, NY, VA and Washington contain 6 MLB teams, 4 NBA teams, 5 NFL teams, and 5 NHL teams!!! The top 10 is loaded with cities whose economy and dreams are built off of professional sports teams. 40yr plumbers, down on their luck Honda salesman, the Wal Mart greeter making ends meet. They ALL live for sports. That $9 ticket to your favorite MLB team that makes that shitty week a little better. That trip you planned for the past month. Crucial tailgate and game at your favorite NFL stadium. You know what I'm talkin about. You've decided to keep your box at the Staples Center. People are buying your shit again. Every fan has their own level of the dream. Their own city. Seems like the top 10 earning cities have a lot of teams. And a lot of fans. And a lot of people who have a complete escape for themselves or their family. And you know the state's economy and money generated from professional sports continuously funnels back into the citizens hands.
Now for the bottom rung. Number 50, going thru the bottom ten, shows you that city, sports, and prosperity is not just a coincidence. At number 50 is the state of Mississippi. And continuing down we have Idaho, Utah, West Virginia, Arkansas, South Carolina, Kentucky, New Mexico, Alabama, and Indiana. Who wants to live in any of those states? Anyone? anyone? don't be shy! The correlation of sports, escapism, the middle class of America, and happiness is intertwined like social oppression is to the fabric of American politics. 0 MLB teams, 2 NBA teams, 1 NFL teams, and 0 NHL teams. Is it any wonder they are on the bottom 10 of average income in America? Come On Man!!!!
The point is this...Not liking any sports means that you don't like America. The sports culture of America, its dreams, its capitalism, its never say die attitude is EXACTLY what America is. And if you are a person that cant appreciate any mainstream American sport then I say...You are a Commie and i am putting you on my list of people to report to Hoover and McCarthy!!! I'm Just Sayin.
America is made up of different experiences. And the differences in those childhood experiences make up a beautiful menagerie of Americanism. I grew up in a singular experience. An experience most people in America did not have. I grew up on a 7 acre farm complete with the experience of never buying fruits or vegetables. Cherries, Pears, Plums, Apples, Blackberries, Strawberries, Watermelons, and Grapes. Spinach, Corn, Green Beans, Carrots, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Beets, Radishes, Onions, Okra, Lettuce, and Lima Beans. These were the fruits and vegetables we lived off of. We also had a steady supply of deer, turkey, and herring fish. Four wheelin, creek crossin, sleigh ridin, good country fun. True country living. While that was a great childhood experience, You would have to drug my ass to get me to live on a 7 acre farm as an adult!!! I want to drive 3 minutes to a RedBox rather than 20 minutes to a freakin Blockbuster!!! Everyone has their preference of country vs city. I have experienced both. And if you prefer the country, then you are wrong. And I'm sure there may be a disagreement or two on that one. But seeing a recent USA Today article got me thinkin about where its best to live and what singular existence of American culture ALWAYS alligns a better way of life. Naturally I thought of sports....
So the USA Today has come out with a list that attempts to quantify which state is best. The stat used is the average income per person, by state. Showing money per individual per state. Attempting to show the greatness of a state in one statistic. But You can't quantify happiness by money, city, or sports. That's what they tell me at least. I SAY, greatness of a state and city can be linked to SPORTS. Good'ol American sports capitalism at its finest! I SAY, America is Sports! I SAY, Sports is Capitalism! I SAY, Capitalism is America! I SAY, Baseball is freakin Apple Pie, Condoleezza Rice is an NFL Groupie, and Magic Johnson has the cure for AIDS!!!! I SAY, America and the capitalism of Sports in America is as intertwined as liberal/conservative flip flopping of the Rep/Dem parties since their inception!!!! But let me show you the difference in the top 10 compared to the bottom 10 in cities and their relationships with sports. Make your own opinion on how sports affects our nation.
The Top 10 is Connecticut, Mass., NJ, Maryland, NY, Wyoming, VA, Alaska, New Hampshire, and Washington. Sports DEFINITELY correlates to money in top 10 states. Connecticut gets the pass of not having a Pro team because ESPN in located in Bristol. If you're looking for logic, watch CNN... Mass, NJ Maryland, NY, VA and Washington contain 6 MLB teams, 4 NBA teams, 5 NFL teams, and 5 NHL teams!!! The top 10 is loaded with cities whose economy and dreams are built off of professional sports teams. 40yr plumbers, down on their luck Honda salesman, the Wal Mart greeter making ends meet. They ALL live for sports. That $9 ticket to your favorite MLB team that makes that shitty week a little better. That trip you planned for the past month. Crucial tailgate and game at your favorite NFL stadium. You know what I'm talkin about. You've decided to keep your box at the Staples Center. People are buying your shit again. Every fan has their own level of the dream. Their own city. Seems like the top 10 earning cities have a lot of teams. And a lot of fans. And a lot of people who have a complete escape for themselves or their family. And you know the state's economy and money generated from professional sports continuously funnels back into the citizens hands.
Now for the bottom rung. Number 50, going thru the bottom ten, shows you that city, sports, and prosperity is not just a coincidence. At number 50 is the state of Mississippi. And continuing down we have Idaho, Utah, West Virginia, Arkansas, South Carolina, Kentucky, New Mexico, Alabama, and Indiana. Who wants to live in any of those states? Anyone? anyone? don't be shy! The correlation of sports, escapism, the middle class of America, and happiness is intertwined like social oppression is to the fabric of American politics. 0 MLB teams, 2 NBA teams, 1 NFL teams, and 0 NHL teams. Is it any wonder they are on the bottom 10 of average income in America? Come On Man!!!!
The point is this...Not liking any sports means that you don't like America. The sports culture of America, its dreams, its capitalism, its never say die attitude is EXACTLY what America is. And if you are a person that cant appreciate any mainstream American sport then I say...You are a Commie and i am putting you on my list of people to report to Hoover and McCarthy!!! I'm Just Sayin.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Drug Testing for Welfare
Why don't we drug test people who want to receive Welfare from our govt? That is the question being proposed in various state legislatures across this country. As a country, we always have questions on how to regulate various social programs and the outside influences on those programs. Now once one state starts a bill, other states get the balls to follow suit. SB 1070 anyone? The questions and concerns of our social programs are always argued and decided by conservatives and liberals, not moderates. That is why all social arguments not only bring out the zealots but steer moderates to either side based on personal passion. The constitutional debate of drug testing for Welfare recipients is no different.
So far the states of Kentucky, Oregon, Nebraska, and Missouri have proposed bills that require drug testing to receive public assistance. While these bills have garnered support they also have serious opposition from various groups, including the ACLU (surprise surprise), National Assoc. of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors, and the American Public Health Assoc. to name but a few. The ACLU says laws such as these are "scientifically, fiscally, and constitutionally unsound". The group cites studies showing welfare drug testing recipients are no more likely to use drugs than the rest of the population and that 70% of illicit drug users are employed. It states drug testing is an expensive and ineffective way to uncover drug abuse. Now the state of Michigan is the only state to implement a drug testing program for welfare recipients. That was short lived as the US 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Michigan ruled it was unconstitutional because it violated the 4th ammendment. The 4th ammendment contains a provision that barres unreasonable search and seizures. It is and will be tough to argue against the Constitution. It doesnt matter if you have right on your side.
First off, I am not some holy roller, straight edge guy. Not my style. I, like millions of Americans, have used "medicinal" drugs. I, like the other good citizens of this country, understand what I have done is illegal and am perfectly willing to accept the consequences if caught. But our Govt is basically saying it is okay that I and millions of other Americans get tested for drugs to have and keep their employment but that doesnt apply when the Gov't gives away OUR money. I find this appalling. I am not here to argue the complicated economics of drug testing success rates vs the money given to social program recipients and the qualifications and loopholes involved in getting those benefits. The real argument is right vs wrong.
Lets get it right. Complainers disgust me and they should disgust you. People who take no responsibility for their actions disgust me. Own up to your shit, you free loading bastards! Now I understand this may be a futile argument because in this instance it appears the Constitution is on the side of shiftless drug users and liberals. Doesn't make it right though. And personally when I look at a topic and pick a side, I decide what is right and not what will win. My conscience is clean, is yours?
So far the states of Kentucky, Oregon, Nebraska, and Missouri have proposed bills that require drug testing to receive public assistance. While these bills have garnered support they also have serious opposition from various groups, including the ACLU (surprise surprise), National Assoc. of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors, and the American Public Health Assoc. to name but a few. The ACLU says laws such as these are "scientifically, fiscally, and constitutionally unsound". The group cites studies showing welfare drug testing recipients are no more likely to use drugs than the rest of the population and that 70% of illicit drug users are employed. It states drug testing is an expensive and ineffective way to uncover drug abuse. Now the state of Michigan is the only state to implement a drug testing program for welfare recipients. That was short lived as the US 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Michigan ruled it was unconstitutional because it violated the 4th ammendment. The 4th ammendment contains a provision that barres unreasonable search and seizures. It is and will be tough to argue against the Constitution. It doesnt matter if you have right on your side.
First off, I am not some holy roller, straight edge guy. Not my style. I, like millions of Americans, have used "medicinal" drugs. I, like the other good citizens of this country, understand what I have done is illegal and am perfectly willing to accept the consequences if caught. But our Govt is basically saying it is okay that I and millions of other Americans get tested for drugs to have and keep their employment but that doesnt apply when the Gov't gives away OUR money. I find this appalling. I am not here to argue the complicated economics of drug testing success rates vs the money given to social program recipients and the qualifications and loopholes involved in getting those benefits. The real argument is right vs wrong.
Lets get it right. Complainers disgust me and they should disgust you. People who take no responsibility for their actions disgust me. Own up to your shit, you free loading bastards! Now I understand this may be a futile argument because in this instance it appears the Constitution is on the side of shiftless drug users and liberals. Doesn't make it right though. And personally when I look at a topic and pick a side, I decide what is right and not what will win. My conscience is clean, is yours?
Friday, March 4, 2011
She said what?......Texas State Rep. Debbie Riddle's interview with Anderson Cooper
If you noticed in my last blog, I am not the biggest fan of Miss Debbie Riddle. I am not a fan of the Tea Party and the way they have twisted a Republican agenda to gain the support of obvious political zealots. She had a VERY interesting interview with Anderson Cooper on Anderson Cooper 360. Cooper took it to Riddle on her proof of "terror babies" and I applaud him for that. The video also included the Representative from the great state of Texas named Rafael Anchia. Watch the video up til the 4:20 mark to get the full annihilation of Rep Riddle by AC. I will not quote the first part of the interview. But I will give you the link, some quotes, and then what I think about it.
Here is the link to the AC360 interview. View for yourself.
Here are some quotes from the interview which I found to be especially informative.
Rep Debbie Riddle : "It is altogether possible, to make a dirty bomb, stick it in a suitcase, walk it across the southern border, and take it to downtown Houston or any other city and blow it up and kill a million or more folks. Why isn't the govt taking that seriously?"
Rep. Rafael Anchia : " It is a myth of anchor babies. To rise to some national security concern is really unsubstantiated, 9-11 bombers were here legally, Time Square (inferring to the bomber) was a naturalized citizen, was not an anchor baby, the person who tried to blow up Fountain Place in Dallas, which is my home, was here legally as well."
Rep Debbie Riddle : "There is no myth to it. Over 81% of babies in LBJ hospital right here in Houston are not here legally." "And the fact is this is breakin the back of taxpayers of Texas and the United States."
Anderson Cooper : "Dem Rep. Rafael Anchia Texas State House, You're not denying the point that some people come here to have there children become US citizens?"
First off, Mr Anchia did not deny that point made by Cooper. Second, this is not the first AC360 interview I have seen. Channel One? Anyone? Anyone? And Anderson Cooper is in my opinion the most respected political interviewer going today. He may be a little liberal biased but he gives everyone their fair chance to make their claim. And I applaud him for that.
Terror Babies huh. A bit Tea Party-esque in its insinuation. Rep Riddle is ill informed but not crazy. A person, much like former VP Quayle, who you don't want to argue your case. Thing is "terror babies" are very possible. When you have no border control, anything is possible. Who knows who slips through the border? Do you? Do I? NO we don't!!!! The last time the southern border of the United States was controlled was the middle of WWII. The Nazis were losing their grip on Europe. They were desperate. They wanted to invade the US through Mexico and Mexico vigorously declined. And THAT is the last time Mexico had the US interest at heart. One thing I do agree with Riddle on is the impact of anchor babies and the intent of some illegals to have their babies here. This next part is from a first hand interview of an anchor baby.
Her name is "Jane". She is a US Citizen and 22 yrs of age. Her father, mother, and older brother are illegal. Jane has a younger brother and younger sister that are citizens. Within the family's first 15 yrs in the US, the father and the older brother were deported. So as of now, Jane, her younger sister and her mother all live freely in the US. Last summer, I became involved in various immigration protests. I continuously used Jane as a sounding board. I wanted to know her very important view point. She enlightened me to the fact that she knows SEVERAL Mexican citizens who have illegally crossed the border for the purpose of having a child born into US Citizenship. This is how it goes down. A pregnant woman crosses legally on a tourist visa. It happens early in the pregnancy so it is not detected. She lives with a relative who is legal, gives birth in the US, and leaves afterwards with the child back to Mexico. The legal relative uses that Social Security number to get food stamps, free health care, and other social benefits. The number may also be used for a working illegal male in any form of employment. There is a certain agreeable compensation for the parent who lives in Mexico. This is first hand info. This is how it is. And if you don't agree, I suggest you find your own first generation border jumper to dispute me.
I'm Just Sayin
Here is the link to the AC360 interview. View for yourself.
Here are some quotes from the interview which I found to be especially informative.
Rep Debbie Riddle : "It is altogether possible, to make a dirty bomb, stick it in a suitcase, walk it across the southern border, and take it to downtown Houston or any other city and blow it up and kill a million or more folks. Why isn't the govt taking that seriously?"
Rep. Rafael Anchia : " It is a myth of anchor babies. To rise to some national security concern is really unsubstantiated, 9-11 bombers were here legally, Time Square (inferring to the bomber) was a naturalized citizen, was not an anchor baby, the person who tried to blow up Fountain Place in Dallas, which is my home, was here legally as well."
Rep Debbie Riddle : "There is no myth to it. Over 81% of babies in LBJ hospital right here in Houston are not here legally." "And the fact is this is breakin the back of taxpayers of Texas and the United States."
Anderson Cooper : "Dem Rep. Rafael Anchia Texas State House, You're not denying the point that some people come here to have there children become US citizens?"
First off, Mr Anchia did not deny that point made by Cooper. Second, this is not the first AC360 interview I have seen. Channel One? Anyone? Anyone? And Anderson Cooper is in my opinion the most respected political interviewer going today. He may be a little liberal biased but he gives everyone their fair chance to make their claim. And I applaud him for that.
Terror Babies huh. A bit Tea Party-esque in its insinuation. Rep Riddle is ill informed but not crazy. A person, much like former VP Quayle, who you don't want to argue your case. Thing is "terror babies" are very possible. When you have no border control, anything is possible. Who knows who slips through the border? Do you? Do I? NO we don't!!!! The last time the southern border of the United States was controlled was the middle of WWII. The Nazis were losing their grip on Europe. They were desperate. They wanted to invade the US through Mexico and Mexico vigorously declined. And THAT is the last time Mexico had the US interest at heart. One thing I do agree with Riddle on is the impact of anchor babies and the intent of some illegals to have their babies here. This next part is from a first hand interview of an anchor baby.
Her name is "Jane". She is a US Citizen and 22 yrs of age. Her father, mother, and older brother are illegal. Jane has a younger brother and younger sister that are citizens. Within the family's first 15 yrs in the US, the father and the older brother were deported. So as of now, Jane, her younger sister and her mother all live freely in the US. Last summer, I became involved in various immigration protests. I continuously used Jane as a sounding board. I wanted to know her very important view point. She enlightened me to the fact that she knows SEVERAL Mexican citizens who have illegally crossed the border for the purpose of having a child born into US Citizenship. This is how it goes down. A pregnant woman crosses legally on a tourist visa. It happens early in the pregnancy so it is not detected. She lives with a relative who is legal, gives birth in the US, and leaves afterwards with the child back to Mexico. The legal relative uses that Social Security number to get food stamps, free health care, and other social benefits. The number may also be used for a working illegal male in any form of employment. There is a certain agreeable compensation for the parent who lives in Mexico. This is first hand info. This is how it is. And if you don't agree, I suggest you find your own first generation border jumper to dispute me.
I'm Just Sayin
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Oh Tea Party crazy bastards you
Before anything, I give a thanks to a man named Michael, who went to a "that" school that resides in Charlottesville, for enlightening me on this topic. Thanks Mike.
This will be two articles. One, about the new bill being passed through the Texas State Senate by Rep Debbie Riddle and Two, addressing her conjoining interview with Texas State Rep Raphael Anchia on Anderson Cooper 360.
First let me say that in no way do I agree with the agenda of the Tea Party or how they manipulate the Republican agenda for their own benefit. Hello Texas State Representative Debbie Riddle.....
Rep. Riddle has proposed a new immigration bill into the Texas State Senate. The bill would make hiring an "unauthorized alien" a crime punishable by up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine, unless that is, they are hired to do household chores. Now under House Bill 2012, introduced by Rep. Debbie Riddle, hiring an undocumented maid, caretaker, lawnworker or any type of houseworker would be allowed. What? Seriously people. Bills like this and people like her and Ms Sarah "Refudiate" Palin give well meaning Republicans a bad name.
Rep. Riddle has long wanted to propose a bill to the Texas State Senate that replicates in many forms the great Pro-American bill that is Arizona Bill SB 1070. Ms Riddle pretends she is against illegal immigration. Now if it affects her or her other McKenna sippin, Dubya lovin, aristocratic, nose in the air Texans then its not worth it. That is her message. She wants to punish people in this country illegally but NOT punish those who give those illegals the jobs they have!!!!! Ms. Riddle, you are a despicable person!!! The type of person that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence to protect the good citizens of America from. You DO NOT serve America's interests. You and your Tea Party do not bring logic! You bring wealth and racism to your bills!!! I for one, say good day!! I said good day!
I'm Just Sayin
This will be two articles. One, about the new bill being passed through the Texas State Senate by Rep Debbie Riddle and Two, addressing her conjoining interview with Texas State Rep Raphael Anchia on Anderson Cooper 360.
First let me say that in no way do I agree with the agenda of the Tea Party or how they manipulate the Republican agenda for their own benefit. Hello Texas State Representative Debbie Riddle.....
Rep. Riddle has proposed a new immigration bill into the Texas State Senate. The bill would make hiring an "unauthorized alien" a crime punishable by up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine, unless that is, they are hired to do household chores. Now under House Bill 2012, introduced by Rep. Debbie Riddle, hiring an undocumented maid, caretaker, lawnworker or any type of houseworker would be allowed. What? Seriously people. Bills like this and people like her and Ms Sarah "Refudiate" Palin give well meaning Republicans a bad name.
Rep. Riddle has long wanted to propose a bill to the Texas State Senate that replicates in many forms the great Pro-American bill that is Arizona Bill SB 1070. Ms Riddle pretends she is against illegal immigration. Now if it affects her or her other McKenna sippin, Dubya lovin, aristocratic, nose in the air Texans then its not worth it. That is her message. She wants to punish people in this country illegally but NOT punish those who give those illegals the jobs they have!!!!! Ms. Riddle, you are a despicable person!!! The type of person that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence to protect the good citizens of America from. You DO NOT serve America's interests. You and your Tea Party do not bring logic! You bring wealth and racism to your bills!!! I for one, say good day!! I said good day!
I'm Just Sayin
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