Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nobody should ever tolerate racism......even if you are white

     From time to time, I have been perplexed by peoples' perception of how the white person should accept racism and by the white person themselves who hold their head in shame and dont retaliate like anyone else would. Let's get this straight. I am not that guy!!!! I will defend myself and my race as much as anyone else will with their race. You may expect this from some white people, but the difference is that I am not a redneck or racist in any way! I am here to show you that the white person who acts in guilt with his head down when he has done nothing wrong is a thing of the past. I hope.
     First let me give you a little background.  I live in Phoenix and my two best friends in Phoenix are Black/Puerto Rican. This justifies nothing I say but just gives possible perspective. Also these are NOT token friends. Between my friends in Central VA and VA Tech, out of my 20 or so friends I am in contact with, 5 friends are Black. Cool peeps are cool peeps. I have no shame in calling a person Black and not African American. I, personally, have only been called Caucasion on a Gov't form. I'm a white guy so i'm not real sure why I would need to call someone African-American. Gotta love Political Correctness. Insert sarcasm here! My friends in Phoenix, who I've known for 2 yrs, tell me that I am a VERY rare white guy. That I have no shame in my viewpoint, no matter who I am talking to. That is true. I just don't give a shit. Now, I move forward towards my story of racism....
     Racism in the West is more overt than the East. In the East, people smile to your face and call you cracker or coon to your back. People don't care out here. My first week here in 08', I fought 2 Mexican guys who didn't like that I was hittin on a hot Mexican waitress. Side bar: it's amazing how far you can throw a 5'5" dude. just sayin. In the circles I run in, I have also found that various black guys have no problem showing their distrust for a white guy. That's fine. No big deal. This evolves toward my experience i had about a month ago.                   
     I am turning into the Christown Mall and a 40 something yr old Black gentleman decided to cross the crosswalk as I was midturn. I was basically parked in the road waiting for a pedestrian who shouldn't have been there if he had any respect for anyone else. As he crosses, I honk the horn. He responds with a "Fuck you, ya honky ass cracka!" Now I don't know what the white guys' name is who originally let that shit fly but it wasn't Ashby Webb III! I do a quick U-turn and have to turn another quick right into a parking lot to cut the man off. For a man with a cane, he was movin! No mercy for the racist. I jump out the car and let him know if he has a problem with me or my race then I am right there for him to solve it. Being the man had a cane, I attracted the attention of 3 young Black guys across the street at the bus stop. This is the Wild Wild West so I faked reaching for a hip holster and that made those guys stop in their tracks. Older guy started swinging his cane. I told the 40 yr old guy that he could apologize or he could get an ass whoopin, swingin cane and all. Once I caught that first swing of the cane, he decided an apology was in his best interest. Your damn skippy it was.         
     But I ask, what made this man think it was okay to spit racial ephitets at me? Let's get this straight. Calling me a honky or cracker is NO BETTER than calling a man the n-word, coon, spic, slant eye or whatever else you can think of. ANYBODY who has let that happen is weak. Plain and simple. I am not that fool and if I have to educate the people of America one at a time, then so be it. I was born in 1977 and I take no guilt for anything that I have not done. So if someone thinks they can be racist in any way towards me, then their gonna have an angry fuckin mick on their hands. And I emplore all people to react the same! End the tolerance of racism, one man at a time. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, and even you Muslims, stand up for yourselves cause at the end of the day you have to be proud of who you are when you look in that mirror.

I'm Just Sayin    

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