Monday, February 14, 2011

Why SB1070 benefits all of America

A few weeks ago I was hanging out with a Mexican-American friend of mine we will call "Mike". I was discussing how the state of AZ has the most illegal immigrants in the US and how this affects EVERYTHING in this state. The Pew Hispanic Center said AZ had 500,000 current illegal immigrants living in the state. Mike laughed. He said "You cant count Mexicans!!! Its impossible. For every illegal the govt thinks they count there are 4 or 5 more that you cant count!!!". Seriously people. So there are at least 2 million illegals in the state. "AT LEAST", he said emphatically. "Mike" and his 4 younger siblings were born here. His parents and 3 older siblings were not. He is a person speaking from experience. So I ask Mike if his parents or any of his illegal siblings use any free social programs guaranteed to them by existing within the borders of the United States. Every one of his illegal siblings use the citizenship of their "anchor babies" to obtain hundreds of dollars in food stamps, ACCHS (free healthcare in AZ), free transportation passes for buses and the lightrail (Phoenix area train), public schools and the free food that come with the public school system on a monthly basis.  His illegal siblings have 8 children, so far. The oldest is 27. I ask him if he agrees with those "abuses". He doesnt. He understands its tough for his family but he is paying his taxes towards a system that allows people to live off of their children who were born in the US. As a taxpaying American, Mike is pissed and sympathetic. He doesnt know how to feel about his own family. But he believes it's the Government's responsibility to change the system. He is right. It is time for the Federal Govt to truly address the epidemic of illegal immigration. The state of AZ decided to do what it could in trying to curb illegal immigration by inacting SB 1070. It states in summation that if you commit a criminal act or are involved in a traffic stop and dont have a State Issued ID, then the state will try and find out who you are. This is for the protection of the American Citizen. The Federal Government sued the state of AZ. Pres Obama and the Federal Govt decided that the possible future vote of today's illegal immigrants are more important than the safety of the American Citizen.  At one point there were over 20 different states writing bills similar to SB1070 but ,since Pres Obama sued AZ, many of those states have backed off. It is ashame that in the face of economic oppression the DA's of various states dont have the balls to stand up for what's right. And that is this.....IT IS TIME FOR THE FED GOVT TO STOP ALLOWING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS TO STEAL YOUR FEDERAL  TAXES AND MY STATE TAXES!!!! It is time for AMERICANS to stand up to the socialism of the American Govt!!!! So Pres. Obama, in the words of Cee-Lo, FUCK YOU!!!!!!


  1. Since Obama's action and AZ efforts to repair the economy by the SB1070 Arizona has lost a sizable amount of income. This due to a drop in tourism and the cancellation of reserved conventions coming to this state. In lieu of that Governor Brewer and the State of Arizona is now suing the Federal Government. It seems AZ is out to remind the United States Government what it meant to live and survive in the Old West. It still runs through the veins of Governor Brewer it seems.

  2. First off, I'll start by saying that it is fair to say that Obama's campaign slogan has changed from "Yes We Can!" to "I Think We Can, But I'll need more of your money just to ultimately prove that we in fact, can't."

    You see Obama, like many Democrats, try to hide what they are really about by using less alarming adjectives that still effect your wallet negatively. Obama's solution to spending problems that have driven us into debt is to "invest" in the future. "Invest" is how smart people say "spend". Funny how all those first rounds of investments and stimulus plans have yet to show a significant ROI (Return On Investment). I know I had to define that b/c Democrats have no concept of that term.
    I am sorry, but you can not convince me that spending until the bank account is empty is somehow balancing the checkbook. What Ohama is suggesting is the equivalent of having 1/2 a tank of gas,cutting a bunch of holes in it and placing enough buckets around to hope to refill it back to where it was. Inevitably, just like taking a piss, a fair amount will hit the floor. It just doesn't work.

    Now that I have shared my take on Obama, I will comment on immigration below.

  3. Immigration should be a simple problem to solve. At least the Germans were smart enough to realize that a Wall works better than a Fence (i.e. Berlin Wall).

    Let us put immigration in terms everyone can relate to. Say you have a roommate that eats all your food, uses electricity and water but never pays the bills. Sure, you put up with it for a while "because we all have been there". But then the roommate has a brother that comes to stay and doesn't leave. Now he is using all the utilities and food and not paying rent. You are losing more and more money every day and can barely afford the roof over your head. At some point you have to make a decision. Go broke and be friendly with the roommate. Or force him to start paying his share if he wants to stay. If not, replace him with one that will. They will probably not be your best friend in the future, but at least your bills will be paid.

    Immigration 101 people.

    The Democrats have offered immigrants shorter turnaround times in gaining citizenship if they attend universities or join the military. How does that help the economy? Think about it. Immigrants will get reduced tuition to college b/c of their "minority" status and the military needs bodies and are an easy way to money for immigrants.
    So how do we bring money into our economy? Well, we have at least what 2 million immigrants according to my buddy's post up there? They are not paying any taxes. Guess where most of that money goes? Back to their families in the countries they came from and into THOSE economies. Not including children, let's say roughly 15,000 dollars a year per adult illegal makes it back to their country. That's maybe in the neighborhood of a couple BILLION dollars a year from AZ alone that our government and economy are missing out on in taxes.
    The answer is simple. Let them earn their citizenship by paying taxes. Give them deportation immunity if they sign a form and pay taxes that year on their income and for the calender year following. They do that and pass the entrance exam and I'll call them American.

    That is how you bring in money, not more spending, not more taxes. Just make EVERYONE that works pay the income taxes we have and the money is there.

  4. AMEN chad! i really dont have anything that can follow you guys comments. I SAY GOOD DAY!
